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The Gateway Pundit

Новости за 18.09.2020

Hmm… John Brennan Tells MSNBC He’s “More Worried Today Than I Ever Have Been Before” for America’s Future

The Gateway Pundit 

John Brennan joined MSNBC on Friday to bash President Trump. This was after the Former Obama CIA Director was interviewed for eight hours in August by U.S. Attorney John Durham at CIA headquarters. The far left political operative told Nicolle Wallace, “After listening to the public statements of Donald Trump and William Barr, especially over…

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Thousands of Supporters Line Up as Far as the Eye Can See Several Hours Before President Trump’s Minnesota Rally (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

President Trump is holding a campaign rally at Bemidji’s Airport Friday at 6 PM local time. Thousands of supporters lined up as far as the eye can see hours before the rally awaiting President Trump’s arrival. According to campaign officials, Minnesotans can expect to hear an “America first” message on trade from President Trump Friday…

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Huge Crowd of Trump Supporters Line Up to Greet Joe Biden Outside Union Training Center in Minnesota (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

A huge crowd of Trump supporters on Friday lined up to greet Joe Biden as he arrived to the Carpenters Union Training Center just outside of Duluth, Minnesota. This is Biden’s first trip to Minnesota in nearly three years. Biden’s camp froze out local media and only allowed approved pool reporters into the event. Biden…

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VA: Voters Form Massive Lines For In-Person, Early Voting After Trump Encourages Healthy Americans To Go To Polls, Dems Tell Them To Vote By Mail [VIDEO]

The Gateway Pundit 

The Democrats and their allies in the media have been attempting to frighten Americans for several months about voting in person over fears of contracting COVID. They’ve gone out of their way to push back on Trump’s claims about the potential for voter fraud, demanding that mail-in voting is a “safe and effective” option. 100…

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DEMOCRATS IN A PANIC – Both House and Senate Democrats Demand Investigation Into Durham Investigation

The Gateway Pundit 

The Democrats are in a total panic.  Yesterday Senate Democrats and today House Democrats let it be known that they do not want any information coming out about their corrupt and criminal actions leading up to the 2016 election and after.  Yesterday all of the Democrat Senators in the Judiciary Committee, including Kamala Harris, the…

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Marshall University Professor Put on Administrative Leave For Saying She Hopes Trump Supporters Die of Covid Before Election (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Huntington, West Virginia – Marshall University suspended a professor Friday morning after she said she hopes Trump supporters die of Covid during a virtual class this week. Jennifer Mosher, a biology professor, was teaching a virtual class online this week when she expressed her anger over Trump’s rallies. Mosher said she hopes Trump supporters die…

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Local Reporters Furious After Biden’s Handlers Play “Hide the Candidate” in Minnesota, Bar Local Media From Event and Cancel the Only One-on-One Interview

The Gateway Pundit 

Both President Trump and Joe Biden will be campaigning in northern Minnesota on Friday, which is the first day of early voting. President Trump will hold a rally at Bemidji’s Airport. His campaign released all the details to the media several days ago. In contrast, Joe Biden will be at a Duluth-area union training center,…

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WATCH: Nashville COVID Cover Up Leads To Explosive Press Conference (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Councilmember Steve Glover acknowledged regarding the authenticity of the emails,  “They’re fabricating information. They’ve blown their entire credibility now, Dennis. It’s gone. I don’t trust a thing they say going forward. Nothing.” Nashville Mayor, John Cooper is under fire for how the city has handled information related to COVID-19 cases linked to restaurants and bars and…

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They Run a Tight Ship: Senior Biden Cybersecurity Expert was Part of Racist Internet Troll Group Once Headed by White Nationalist

The Gateway Pundit 

They run a tight ship. A senior Joe Biden cybersecurity expert was once part of the racist internet troll group Gay N***ers Association of America (GNAA) headed by a white nationalist. This is just perfect. The Washington Examiner reported: A senior cybersecurity adviser to Joe Biden’s presidential campaign spent years affiliating with a hacking organization…

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Obama-Appointed Judge Blocks Postmaster General Louis DeJoy From Making Operation Changes to USPS Ahead of Election

The Gateway Pundit 

Louis DeJoy Another day, another corrupt Obama judge. Judge Stanley Bastian in Eastern Washington’s US District Court, an Obama appointee on Thursday issued a nationwide injunction blocking Postmaster General Louis DeJoy from making operational changes to the United States Postal Service ahead of the general election. The post office is an establishment in the executive…

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WOW! Watch Unhinged Thug Joy Behar EXPLODE AND ATTACK GOP Candidate Kim Klacik after She’s Called Out for Wearing Blackface!!

The Gateway Pundit 

What an Unhinged Thug! Republican Congressional Candidate Kim Klacik went on The View on Friday. It was a total hit job as it usually is when a conservative goes on with these angry street thugs. During her appearance the leftist hacks asked Kim about Trump’s handling of the coronavirus. Kim CORRECTLY pointed out that if…

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Joe Biden Incoherently Rambles About Chicken Sh*t For 30 Seconds Straight After Rudely Interrupting Trump Voter During CNN Town Hall (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

This was weird. Joe Biden Thursday night rambled about chickens and chicken sh*t for 30 seconds straight after rudely interrupting a Republican voter during the CNN town hall. Anderson Cooper introduced Julie Masser Ballay, a CFO of her family’s potato farm and member of the Pennsylvania Farm Bureau who said she voted for Trump in…

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VERY Fake News CNN Goes There: Actually Argues COVID-19 Will Spread at Trump Rallies but NOT at BLM Riots (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

CNN actually went there. The former news organization known for trashing President Trump, conservatives and Christians, is now pushing the absolute nonsense that BLM rioting-torching-beatings-terrorizing is safer than attending a Donald Trump campaign rally. Via Infowars: In response to criticism that CNN is continuously praising mass gatherings when they are BLM organised, but condemning Trump…

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Busted! Maskless Hypocrite Joe Biden Ignores Social Distancing and Whispers to Anderson Cooper During Commercial Break (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

77-year-old Joe Biden participated in a CNN town hall Thursday evening with host Anderson Cooper. It was a total circus. Most of the questioners were Democrat plants lobbing softballs at Biden. Biden began the town hall by lecturing America on social distancing and mask wearing. In a manic rant, Biden claimed that if Trump acted…

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Confirmed at Trial: President Trump Offered Julian Assange Deal If He Shared Who His Source Was for Podesta Emails — And It Wasn’t Russia!

The Gateway Pundit 

President Trump offered Julian Assange a deal if he were to disclose his source of the DNC emails released before the 2016 election. Julian Assange did not share who provided him the DNC emails he leaked before the 2016 election but he did unequivocally claim that it wasn’t a state actor (i.e. Russia). This entire…

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BOOM! TRUMP APPROVAL Hits RECORD HIGH for the Year! — 4 Points Higher Than Obama at Same Point in His Presidency

The Gateway Pundit 

President Trump’s Rasmussen approval rating surged to 53% on Friday. This is despite the continued media onslaught over the coronavirus panic-porn and the continued and constant attacks on this president by the liberal mainstream media based on lies and smears. Barack Obama had a 49% approval rating at the same point in his presidency.  President…

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Топ-5 самых ярких зарубежных архитектурных проектов на первичном рынке Москвы

SHOCKING! Presidential Candidate Joe Biden has Not Held a Rally with More than 100 People IN SIX MONTHS — Since March 9th!

The Gateway Pundit 

Former Obama Vice President Joe Biden is the Democrat candidate for President.  You wouldn’t know it however based on the size of the crowds who attend his events.  They’re more the size of a book review at a local library and probably less fun. We reported earlier today that President Trump has entertained more than…

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Roger Stone on the President’s Handling of COVID-19 and the Panic Being Engendered by Nevada Gov. Sisolak and Democrats

The Gateway Pundit 

On Sunday, despite threats from BLM and Antifa, Roger Stone went ahead with his planned events in Las Vegas. Last weekend we reported that Antifa and BLM were leaving threats and demanding that the Roger Stone events scheduled for Saturday be cancelled.  Stone and the Ahern Hotel went ahead with the events as scheduled in…

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WATCH: DC Woman Attempts to Shame CVS Manager for Calling Police on Black Shoplifters — Stunt Backfires Spectacularly

The Gateway Pundit 

A woman filmed herself berating a CVS manager in Washington, DC for calling the police on two black shoplifters — and the stunt backfired in her face spectacularly. Charity Sade, a self-described “she/her comedian, writer, activist,” has locked her Twitter account and changed her handle after the video of her trying to shame the CVS…

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A Warning to Deep State: AG Barr Explains What a Healthy Justice Department Is – Then Slips In What He Really Thinks about Obama and the Mueller Gang

The Gateway Pundit 

Attorney General William Barr gave a speech at Hillsdale College on Wednesday where he addressed many topics in an eloquent and thoughtful way. As the Democrats and their media continue their attempts to tarnish this great AG’s name, AG Barr continues to bring justice back to the Justice Department. He shared his thoughts on the…

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