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The Gateway Pundit

Новости за 24.09.2020

TRUMP VOTERS? Gun Sales In Major Swing States Soar 80% This Year

The Gateway Pundit 

The Federal Bureau of Investigation processed 93% more background checks nationwide between  March through July compared to the same period last year — and you gotta’ think many of those new buyers are Trump voters. In seven states considered toss-ups in the 2020 election — Arizona, Florida, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, New Hampshire and North Carolina…

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Pelosi Says President Trump is “Trying to Have the Constitution of the United States Swallow Clorox” (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

80-year-old Nancy Pelosi on Thursday said President Trump is “trying to have the Constitution of the United States swallow Clorox.” House Speaker Pelosi made this bizarre claim shortly have she once again asserted that Trump told Americans to drink bleach to kill the Coronavirus. We need term limits. Pelosi also backed off and said impeaching…

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While Hunter Biden Walks Freely with Millions from Russia, the Ukraine and China, General Flynn Waits for Crooked Judge to End His Case

The Gateway Pundit 

General and Mrs. Flynn – a couple together forever While General Flynn endures years of Deep State prosecutorial abuse based on no crimes and made up crimes and deep state lies, others like Hunter Biden are allowed to walk freely after taking millions from foreign entities in shady deals while his father was Vice President.…

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After Historic Serbia-Kosovo Peace Deal — Negotiating Countries Discuss Renaming Border Lake to — “LAKE TRUMP”

The Gateway Pundit 

Not making headlines… Following the historic Serbia-Kosovo peace deal brokered by the Donald J. Trump administration there is serious talk about changing the name of a disputed border lake to Lake Trump. The idea was first suggested by US Ambassador Richard Grenell. But now the two countries are taking the idea seriously. What to call…

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BLM-Antifa Thug Arrested and Charged with Attempted Murder After Hurling Mother-of-all-Molotovs at Portland Police

The Gateway Pundit 

On Wednesday night antifa-BLM mob set off the Mother-of-All-Molotov Bombs in downtown Portland. The rioters threw what appeared to be a massive Molotov Cocktail or firebomb at police, just hours after two officers were shot during the riot in Louisville. BLM-Antifa has been rioting in Portland for over 100 straight days. The radical left has…

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Reports: Durham Now Investigating Clinton Foundation

The Gateway Pundit 

John Durham, the Connecticut U.S. Attorney appointed by Attorney General William Barr to investigate the Trump-Russia collusion hoax investigation by the Obama administration and Deep State operatives is reportedly also investigating the Clinton Foundation and the government’s handling of that investigation. The New York Times broke the story Thursday morning, with a follow-up report by…

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Ted Cruz Blocks ‘Partisan’ Senate Resolution Honoring Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Shreds Schumer

The Gateway Pundit 

Sen. Ted Cruz on Wednesday blocked a ceremonial resolution to honor Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg after Senate Democrats politicized the resolution. The type of Senate resolution to honor the late Supreme Court justice are commonplace in the Senate and often pass unanimously. But once again, Democrats sought political advantage by trying to add to the…

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REPORT: Trump Team Suspected Cognitive Decline In Special Counsel Robert Mueller

The Gateway Pundit 

Byron York of the Washington Examiner has written a fascinating piece about Robert Mueller, the former special counsel who oversaw the investigation into allegations that members of the Trump campaign colluded with Russia to influence the outcome of the 2016 presidential election. President Trump was investigated for 675 days by Mueller and a team of…

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DOJ Investigating Discarded Mail-in Votes for Trump Cast by Military in Pennsylvania

The Gateway Pundit 

The Justice Department announced Thursday the DOJ and FBI are investigating discarded mail-in votes in Luzerne County, Pennsylvania. A statement issued by U.S. Attorney for the Middle District of Pennsylvania David Freed states that nine mail-in military ballots were discovered discarded and that all nine were for President Trump. File image. On Tuesday three trays…

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Supporters Line Up Several Hours Ahead of President Trump’s “Great American Comeback” Rally in Jacksonville, Florida (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

President Trump will be holding a massive rally Thursday evening at the Cecil Airport in Jacksonville, Florida. Supporters lined up in the sweltering heat and humidity several hours ahead of Trump’s arrival. Jacksonville Trump rally, 7 hours before speech begins pic.twitter.com/8PoTGi7Vaz — Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸 (@JackPosobiec) September 24, 2020 Here is a panned out view…

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REPORT: Joe Biden to Stay in His Basement Until Next Week’s Debate – Jill Will Stump For Her Feeble Husband For the Next Five Days

The Gateway Pundit 

40 days until the election and 77-year-old Joe Biden started off Thursday morning by calling a lid (shutting down press for the day). This is the second time Biden’s campaign has called a lid before 10 AM this week and the 9th time this month! Biden is reportedly busy prepping for next week’s debate. He…

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This is America? Three Christians Arrested for Singing Church Hymns Outside in Idaho without Masks (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Sean and Rachel Bohnet were among three arrested at the Psalm Sing service for singing while not wearing a mask or social distancing. Their arrest was captured on video and posted on social media. In the background you can see and hear several Christians singing “Amazing Grace” without masks on at an event in Moscow,…

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UPDATE: Diners in St. Petersburg Spit on and Harassed by BLM Goons Dressed In Jewish Ceremonial Garb – Likely Targeted in Hate Crime for Being Jewish

The Gateway Pundit 

Last night we reported on the BLM mob in St. Petersburg, Florida harassing diners.  The BLM animals may have targeted diners suspected of being Jewish in apparent hate crimes. We reported last night on the BLM mob in St. Petersburg who pulled up chairs and started threatening an elderly white couple at a restaurant.   Protestors…

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GOP Rep. Jim Jordan Sends Letter to Director Wray Demanding to Know if FBI is Investigating Hunter Biden’s Crimes

The Gateway Pundit 

Congressman Jim Jordan (R-OH) sent Director Wray a letter Thursday morning demanding answers on whether the FBI is investigating Hunter Biden’s crimes. The Senate Finance and Homeland Security Committees released a devastating report on Hunter Biden, Burisma and corruption Wednesday morning. The crooked Biden family enriched themselves and Barack Obama knew. According to the senate…

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DISGUSTING! Hateful Leftists Boo President Trump and First Lady Melania as They Pay Respects to Ruth Bader Ginsburg (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

An unhinged mob of leftists booed President Trump and First Lady Melania Trump on Thursday as they paid their respects to Ruth Bader Ginsburg at the Supreme Court Building. Nothing is sacred to these unhinged lunatics. This is just the latest example of leftist intolerance and hate. Loud boos and chants of "Vote him out!"…

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WTH? Best Buy Sends Out Email to Employees After Breonna Taylor Decision — Allows Time Off to Mourn Decision

The Gateway Pundit 

Protests and riots immediately erupted after Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron announced Wednesday that there will be no charges filed against two of the Louisville police officers involved in the shooting of Breonna Taylor, while the third is being charged with “wanton endangerment.” Following the announcement on Wednesday Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron told reporters that the…

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Новости России

В Подмосковье сотрудники Росгвардии провели встречу со студентами финансового университета

This Is America? Young Mother TASED, CUFFED AND ARRESTED for Not Wearing Face-Mask at Mostly Empty Stadium to Watch HS Football Game

The Gateway Pundit 

On Wednesday Alecia Kitts was arrested at her son’s high school football game for not wearing a mask. Alecia Kitts was tased, cuffed and arrested by the police officer during the game. She was sitting with who appear to be her young children when she was approached by the police officer. After she put up…

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“You’re a B*tch, N***er!” – LA Black Lives Matter Mob Hurls Racist Insults at Black Police Officer (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

The Black Lives Matter mob was back out on the street in Los Angeles on Wednesday night following the verdict of the Breonna Taylor case in Louisville, Kentucky. Black Lives Matter-Antifa mobs rioted across the country. Two police officers were shot in Louisville during the mass rioting in the city. Breaking: Police Identify Larynzo Johnson…

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“Violence Has No Home in Portland” – Clown Mayor Ted Wheeler Crawls out from under Rock and Condemns “Alt-Right Groups” Planned Protest in Portland

The Gateway Pundit 

On Wednesday night anttifa-BLM mob set off the Mother-of-All-Molotov Bombs in downtown Portland. BLM-Antifa has been rioting in Portland for over 100 straight days. The radical left has destroyed downtown Portland and what is not destroyed is boarded up. This happens while clown show Mayor Ted Wheeler looks the other way. But while Wheeler gives…

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UPDATE: At Ohio Rally President Trump Introduces Little Miami High School Football Players Who Waved Thin Red Line and Thin Blue Line Flags on 9-11

The Gateway Pundit 

At his Ohio rally President Trump invited the two young high school football players who carried flags onto the field in support of firemen and police on 9-11 and who were suspended as a result. The Gateway Pundit reported on the two young Ohio high school football players who were suspended from the team after…

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Breaking: Police Identify Larynzo Johnson as Shooter of Two Police Officers During Black Lives Matter Riots in Louisville (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Last night Black Lives Matter protester attempted to assissinate Louisville Police Officers. Two police officers were injured. The suspect was arrested. And now there are video and photos of the shooter. Possible Shooter In Louisville? #LouisvilleProtests pic.twitter.com/jP4LokNdMP — DKRecords (@RealDKRecords) September 24, 2020 He was wearing a Sugarhill hoodie. In this photo the shooter is…

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