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The Gateway Pundit

Новости за 20.09.2020

HORRIFIC VIDEO: Screaming Grandmother Manhandled by 8 Cops, Cuffed and Hauled Off for Not Wearing Mask at Anti-Lockdown Protest in Public Park

The Gateway Pundit 

They’ll tell you it’s for the greater good. But how can the elites defend this? A screaming grandmother was surrounded by eight police officers, who take her purse and belongings, then wrestle with her to put on handcuffs. The woman was NOT wearing at an anti-lockdown protest outdoors at a park in Melbourne, Australia. This…

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Biden Immediately Flees From Podium After Philadelphia Speech, Ignores Reporters Shouting Questions at Him (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

77-year-old Joe Biden emerged from his basement on Sunday and traveled to Philadelphia to give a speech at the Constitution Center. This is after Biden completely shut down his campaign on Saturday. He needed a day to rest. Biden was in really bad shape on Sunday. His labored breathing and claim that 200 million people…

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What is Wrong with Pelosi? Speaker Pelosi’s Wires Cross During Her Interview with George Stephanopoulos (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

What the hell happened to Nancy Pelosi during her interview with George Stephanopoulos? The look on Stephanopoulos’s face says it all. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s wires got crossed Sunday morning during her interview with ABC’s George Stephanopoulos. During her Sunday morning interview, the Speaker didn’t rule out impeaching President Trump in order to block him…

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MASSIVE Trump Car and Motorcycle Parade in North Huntington, PA – HUNDREDS of Vehicles Fill Huge Parking Lot at the Start

The Gateway Pundit 

The Trump team is fired up.  All over the country you are seeing boat parades, massive rallies and now car and motorcycle parades.  The enthusiasm behind the President is off the charts.  We’ve never seen anything like this before. Today in North Huntington, PA.  hundreds of Trump supporters gathered at a local mall parking lot…

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IT STARTS AGAIN: Democrats Claim Russian Interference Will Keep Them From Taking Control Of Senate

The Gateway Pundit 

Senate Democrats — who were blown out of the water last year when a special counsel’s report proved there was no collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia — are at it again. Some lawmakers claim that Russian operatives are “already waging a disinformation campaign aimed at disrupting the 2020 election, and at least one…

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“That’s White Privilege, Karen! I’m on my G-Damn Period But Came Out Here” – Seattle BLM Mob Threatens White Woman in Car for Wanting to Drive Home

The Gateway Pundit 

The Seattle Black Lives Matter mob was back out in the streets last night terrorizing their community. Their latest tactic is to scream at whoever does not go along with their lawlessness about their “white privilege.” If you’re a woman who just wants to drive home — you’re showing your white privilege! At one point…

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Back In 2016, Biden Said President Had ‘Constitutional Responsibility’ To Fill Vacant SCOTUS Seat

The Gateway Pundit 

When Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia died in February 2016, then-Vice President Joe Biden quickly declared that President Obama had a “constitutional duty” to move quickly to fill the vacancy. “The president has the constitutional duty to nominate; the Senate has the constitutional obligation to provide advice and consent,” Biden wrote in a New York…

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Screaming Black Lives Matter Militants Surround Outdoor Diners in San Diego – Young Mother Clutches Her Baby in Fear (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Screaming Black Lives Matter militants on Saturday night terrorized families dining outdoors in San Diego, California. The terrorists marched through Little Italy’s Piazza della Famiglia screaming “White silence is violence!” WATCH (language warning): Enjoying your Saturday night = violence San Diego, CA pic.twitter.com/Zl89tkj6g2 — Kitty Shackleford (@KittyLists) September 20, 2020 Black Lives Matter terrorists surrounded…

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UPDATE: Hmm… Pelosi Camp Now Says She Lied About Going to Church in San Francisco and Insists She Did NOT Break the Law (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Rules are for the little people. Democrat leader Nancy Pelosi broke Democrat Governor Newsom’s rules and attended Catholic mass in San Francisco during the lockdown. The rest of the city of San Francisco is forbidden from attending church services. In fact, according to Archbishop Cordileone, San Francisco has a rule that only one Catholic can…

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“You Think I’m Afraid of You?” — DC Gay Man Confronts the Violent Antifa-BLM Mob After They Trespass His Yard and Assault His Friend (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

On Saturday night the violent and threatening Black Lives Matter-Antifa mob marched into a gay area of Washington DC. The mob immediately began intimidating and harassing gays including a man with a puppy. Drew Hernandez was there. SIGN THIS PETITION 👉 https://t.co/xLQ2VPshpn Archbishop Cordileone of San Francisco is leading Catholics in a public demonstration and…

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“Right to Worship Is not Given by 1st Amendment, It’s Protected by 1st Amendment” — San Francisco Archbishop Speaks Out, Says ‘Throw the Bums Out’ Mentality Growing (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Archbishop Salvatore J. Cordileone recently called on San Francisco Mayor London Breed to lift the unfair restrictions on the Mass. He’s right. San Francisco is the only government in the entire Bay Area to tell people of faith — Only 12 people allowed and only outdoors. On Friday Speaker Pelosi was critical of the archbishop’s…

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WOW! ABC Hack Floats Impeaching President Trump to Speaker Pelosi in Order to Block SCOTUS Nomination (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

This tells you EVERYTHING you need to know about your liberal mainstream media. They’re not just biased — They’re leading the charge! Speaker Pelosi went on ABC’s This Week this morning for former Clinton aide George Stephanopoulos. On Sunday morning Stephanopoulos floated the idea of impeaching President Donald Trump or Attorney General Bill Barr to…

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Democrat Leader Ocasio-Cortez Tells Her Socialist Base “Get Radicalized” and to “Vote for Joe Biden” — After She Endorsed Bernie Sanders at Democratic Convention (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

She’s never been accused of being the brightest person in the room. But she sure is radical. Democrat thought leader Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez released a video on Saturday urging her socialist base to vote for senile Joe Biden in November. She also told her base to “get radicalized” following the death of RBG. Ocasio-Cortez came out…

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MUST SEE VIDEO: Catherine Engelbrecht and the Prestigious TRUE THE VOTE Organization Release Powerful Warning on the Marxist Coup in 2020

The Gateway Pundit 

Catherine Engelbrecht is the Founder and President of True The Vote the nation’s largest voters’ rights group. The organization for over ten years now has been on the front lines of election fraud prevention by building action-oriented election integrity movements in key states, counties, and precincts. ‘True the Vote’ does not advocate for particular parties…

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Новости России

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Black Lives Matter Activist Wearing ‘Justice for Beonna Taylor’ Shirt Walked into a Louisville Bar and Murdered Three People

The Gateway Pundit 

A black male walked into a Louisville bar owned by a retired police officer and shot three random people at point blank range on Friday night — while wearing a Justice for Breonna Taylor shirt. The suspect was smiling from ear to ear as he was arrested for the shooting at Bungalow Joe’s Bar and…

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“Thank You, Sir. You Gave Me the Dragon Energy” — President Trump Calls MMA Champ Colby Covington After His Victory (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

HOLY CRAP! THIS WAS SOOOO AMAZING!! On Saturday night after his MMA victory Colby Covington took over his interview and gave a shout-out to the Silent Majority and a warning to Sleepy Joe — And then Colby slammed the spineless athletes like LeBron James who are trashing the country. “You Thought That Was Beating? Wait…

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“You Thought That Was Beating? Wait Til Donald Trump Gets His Hands on Sleepy Joe!” – MMA Champ Colby Covington Cheers Trump Trashes Spineless LeBron James! (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

THIS WAS INCREDIBLE! WHAT A WINNER! MMA Champion Colby Covington wearing a US flag in his post-win interview, interrupted the host and WENT ROGUE– Colby cheered President Trump and the Silent Majority — And warned Sleepy Joe of what he is facing!! Colby Covington: “Ladies and gentleman, the silent majority is ready to make some…

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Obama’s Pick for Supreme Court in 2016 Was a Creeping Leftist – Thank God Merrick Garland Is Not On the Supreme Court!

The Gateway Pundit 

There’s no shame is following the law and in politics pushing the priorities of your party when you have the chance.  This is occurring now and it happened in 2016 as well. Many people feel guilty for standing up for themselves – they shouldn’t: And this is the right response. Stop trying to justify it…

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Hundreds of Angry Leftists Gather Outside of Mitch McConnell’s House in Kentucky — Hoping Their Threats Prevent Him from Holding SCOTUS Vote

The Gateway Pundit 

Angry leftists started protesting in front of Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s home in Louisville, Kentucky on Saturday around noon. The protest mob blocked the street and continued to grow all day. In typical Democrat fashion the mob believes if they use enough threats and brute force then McConnell will cave and cancel the vote on…

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