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The Gateway Pundit

Новости за 08.09.2020

COVID on Campus – Nearly 26,000 Students on 29 Campuses Identified with COVID – But ZERO Hospitalized, ZERO Deaths

The Gateway Pundit 

(Above CDC chart showing COVID deaths by age group – note almost none for students – those under age 24) The China coronavirus (COVID-19) that came from Wuhan late last year is finally fizzling out in the US.  The results of recent studies on campus prove it. Dr. Andrew Boston, MD continues with his great…

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Cheering Supporters Line the Streets of Jupiter, Florida to Catch a Glimpse of President Trump (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

President Trump on Tuesday held a campaign event in Jupiter, Florida. Cheering supporters holding Trump 2020 signs and American flags lined the streets just to catch a glimpse of the President’s motorcade. WATCH: ‼️ President @realDonaldTrump departing Jupiter, Florida! #MAGA pic.twitter.com/L5lrCJu6Gl — Dan Scavino (@DanScavino) September 8, 2020 President Trump wore a full suit as…

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Peter Strzok Comes Out with New Book Slandering the President Some More and the Corrupt Media Continues to Push His Lies

The Gateway Pundit 

The key investigator for the Obama Administration attempting to prevent candidate Trump from winning the 2016 election and then have the President removed from office, creepy Peter Strzok, is out with a new book where he continues to push the Russia collusion scam and besmirch President Trump. Far-left liberal Politico reports that Strzok believes he…

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BREAKING: Rochester Police Chief and Entire Police Department Command Staff Suddenly Announce Retirement Following Riots

The Gateway Pundit 

The Rochester police chief and the entire department command staff suddenly announced they are retiring from the force on Tuesday. The announcement comes after several days of riots and violence in response to bodycam footage showing a March incident involving Rochester police and a 41-year-old black man. ABC News reported: After days of protests against…

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Peter Strzok Claims He Has Not Been Interviewed By John Durham, Says He Expects No More Indictments in Spygate Probe (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Fired FBI counter-intel chief Peter Strzok on Tuesday told CBS host Tony Dokoupil that he has not been interviewed as part of John Durham’s investigation into the origins of Spygate. In July of 2016, Peter Strzok opened a counterintel investigation into Trump’s camp dubbed “Crossfire Hurricane” on suspicions (based on no evidence) that the Russians…

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Hundreds of Americans Planted ‘Chinese Mystery Seeds’ After Receiving Them In The Mail

The Gateway Pundit 

In late July, Americans across the country received unsolicited seeds from China in the mail. State and federal agencies advised against planting them. But you know Americans. Lots of them planted the seeds anyway. “According to documents obtained by Motherboard from state departments of agriculture, at least hundreds, perhaps thousands of Americans planted the seeds,”…

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OUTRAGEOUS! Joe Biden Says Trump is the One Who Wants to Defund Police – After Running Ads Attacking Police (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Biden’s poll numbers are tanking so he is now gas-lighting Americans. Joe Biden on Monday actually claimed it is Donald Trump who wants to defund the police after a reporter confronted him. “The only person calling to defund the police is Donald Trump,” Biden said before calling Trump “pathological.” “I’m the one calling for $300M…

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MUST SEE: Seattle Antifa Show Up to Attack Police — Seattle Police Blast Country Music, Bum-Rush Mob and Pepper Spray Them (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Here’s your feel-good video of the day. Antifa in Seattle turned out to attack the police again on Sunday. But it didn’t turn out as planned. The Seattle police started blasting country music, waited for back-ups on bikes. Then they bum-rushed the mob, tackled them, pepper-sprayed them and arrested the the thugs for street violence.…

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Black Lives Matter Mob Disrupts GOP Hero and Senator Kelly Loeffler’s Campaign Event After She Proposes Legislation Against Rioters and Mob Violence (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Senator Kelly Loeffler’s campaign event was interrupted on Thursday in Forsyth County by Black Lives Matter radicals. Loeffler was campaigning with Arkansas Senator Tom Cotton. The two senators proposed legislation that will withhold funding from district attorneys who refuse to prosecute crimes arising from protests. The legislation is called the Holding Rioters Accountable Act. Several…

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Hydroxychloroquine Reduces Risk Of Death From COVID-19 By 30%, Latest Italian Study Shows

The Gateway Pundit 

An Italian study finds that hydroxychloroquine substantially reduces the risk of death for COVID-19 patients. “We observed that patients treated with hydroxychloroquine had a 30% lower in-hospital mortality rate compared to those not receiving this treatment,” lead study author Augusto Di Castelnuovo said in a media release. Di Castelnuovoa is an epidemiologist with IRCCS Neuromed…

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Herd Immunity To COVID-19 May Have Been Reached In NY, CA, Scientist Claims

The Gateway Pundit 

Is America nearing herd immunity with COVID-19? That’s what one scientist believes. Data scientist Mark Last, a professor at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev in Israel, says that New York and California may have already achieved herd immunity, in which enough people have developed immunity that the risk of further community transmission is either eliminated or…

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“It’s a Flat Lie!” – Angry Biden Lashes Out at Reporter Asking About His Flip-Flopping on Fracking – Then Claims Trump Wants to Defund the Police! (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

This is one of the reasons why Joe Biden’s handlers rarely allow him to leave his basement bunker. Biden on Monday became visibly irritated after a reporter asked him about his flip-flopping on fracking. Last week Biden claimed during his Pittsburgh speech: “I am not banning fracking! No matter how many times Donald Trump lies…

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Liberal Colorado Politician Threatens to Sue Trump for “Election Interference” — But Left Said Nothing when Michelle Obama Said Worse

The Gateway Pundit 

Of course millions of Americans are concerned with voter fraud.  This year the Democrat’s strategy is to steal the election by having votes mailed in from God knows who and where.  They hope to this strategy will enable them to steal the election for the Presidency, Senate and House.  The corrupt Democrats did this last…

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Race Activist Colin Kaepernick Nominated for NFL Hall of Fame

The Gateway Pundit 

Vermont resident Bob Birkett nominated Colin Kaepernick to the NFL Hall of Fame recently. From his Facebook page Bob is not much of a football fan or any black associates but he wants Kaepernick in the Hall of Fame because of his stand against racism. Nancy Armour at USA Today promoted Birkett’s nomination of Kaepernick…

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Trump Holds 30 Point Lead with Venezuelan-Americans Who Have Suffered Under Socialist Tyrant Nicolas Maduro’s Hell

The Gateway Pundit 

Venezuelans eat from garbage dumps under the Socialist Maduro regime. President Trump is leading with Venezuelan Americans in Florida. Trump holds a two-to-one advantage over Democrat Joe Biden in Florida. Many of the Venezuelan-Americans fled the failed socialist Maduro regime. They have no desire to live through that brutal Marxist nightmare again. Eldiaro reported: According…

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NBA Donates $300 Million to BLM and the Democrat Party’s Pockets — Now Wants to Set Up Polling Places Which May Be Illegal

The Gateway Pundit 

Guest post by Bob Bishop The Democrat Party is a fervent supporter of the Black Lives Matter movement and so is the NBA. There is no room for diversity of thought in the National Basketball Association. The Party and its 2020 candidates have never publicly denounced the associated looting, rioting, and wholesale violence. The Democratic…

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За прошедшую неделю подмосковные росгвардейцы обеспечили безопасность более 200 мероприятий

“F**k the Woman who Posted It – I’m Here to Disrupt” – BLM Protester Responds After Assaulting Diners on Video at Pittsburgh Restaurant

The Gateway Pundit 

Black Lives Matter terrorists screamed obscenities at elderly people dining outdoors in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania on Sunday. “F*ck 12 and f*ck white people! You old dick!” one BLM militant yelled to a peaceful elderly white man sitting at a table. A woman then marched over to the couple, grabbed a drink from their table and drank…

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Coronavirus Deaths Over Weekend Are Lowest Since the 4th of July – COVID-19 is Fizzling Out Across US Just Like Other Countries

The Gateway Pundit 

Over the Labor Day weekend the lowest number of deaths were recorded from the China coronavirus (COVID-19)  since the 4th of July. The Worldometer website recorded only 286 deaths yesterday due to COVID-19.  This is the lowest number recorded since the 4th of July weekend.  On July 5th there were 268 deaths recorded and on…

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Tech Tyrant Zuckerberg: Americans Must Accept that Election MAY TAKE WEEKS to Decide — And This is “Normal”

The Gateway Pundit 

Democrats and Never-Trumpers are planning massive unrest following the November 3rd election. A top Democrat data and analytics firm funded by Michael Bloomberg claimed it is highly likely President Trump will win by a landslide on election night, but will ultimately lose in the following days after mail-in ballots continue to be counted. Hawkfish CEO…

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Corrupt Oregon Democrat Governor Extends COVID State of Emergency through November 3 – Election Day — While Rioters Continue to Ravage Communities

The Gateway Pundit 

Oregon Governor Kate Brown decided to extend her coronavirus state of emergency through election day on November 3rd.  Of course this has nothing to do with the coronavirus which has had minimal affect on Oregon’s residents. FOX News TV in Portland reported: Governor Kate Brown has again extended her declaration of a state of emergency…

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Sperry: John Brennan Was Running Secret CIA Task Force Out of Langley to Investigate Trump Before FBI Probe Launched in July 2016

The Gateway Pundit 

Former Obama director of the Central Intelligence Agency John Brennan was interviewed for eight hours in August by U.S. Attorney John Durham at CIA headquarters. According to Brennan’s spokesman Nick Shapiro Brennan was told he is not a subject or target of Durham’s probe into abuses by the federal government in the Russia collusion hoax…

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New York Governor Cuomo Has Until Wednesday to Provide DOJ Data and Answers Related to Actions That Led to Thousands of COVID Deaths – But DOJ May Be Asking Wrong Questions

The Gateway Pundit 

New York’s Governor Andrew Cuomo’s and his Health Commissioner, Howard Zucker, are facing mounting, angry and now even bi-partisan calls for a federal investigation into their March 25 Covid-19 edict, in which recovering Covid-19 hospital patients were transferred INTO New York State’s (NYS’s) nursing homes. This same policy REQUIRED that hospital patients remain UNTESTED before…

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Лучший теннисист Казахстана узнал позицию в обновленном рейтинге ATP

Псковичи завоевали награды турнира по армрестлингу в Новгородской области

Акция по раздельному сбору мусора пройдет 22 июня в Видном

Жителей Подмосковья предупредили о мошенничестве при обмене валюты

Об этом очень высокопоставленном деятеле СССР дважды докладывалось, как о возможном агенте иностранных спецслужб. Но все закончилось ничем