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The Gateway Pundit

Новости за 26.09.2020

Portland Police Confiscate Van Load of Shields, Weapons from Antifa Terrorists for Street Fight Action and to Beat Proud Boys (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

On Wednesday night antifa-BLM mob set off the Mother-of-All-Molotov Bombs in downtown Portland. BLM-Antifa has been rioting in Portland for over 100 straight days. The radical left has destroyed downtown Portland and what is not destroyed is boarded up. This happens while clown show Mayor Ted Wheeler looks the other way. But while Wheeler gives…

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Bernie Sanders: There Will be a Number of Plans to Evict Trump from White House if He Attempts to Stay in Office After Losing Election

The Gateway Pundit 

Former Democratic party presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) told HBO host Bill Maher Friday night that if President “Trump attempts to stay in office after losing, there will be a number of plans out there to make sure that he is evicted from office.” Sanders did not get into specifics. Video clip: President Trump…

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After A Gun Incident, Who Would You Call?

The Gateway Pundit 

If you carry a weapon or have one in your home, who would you call after a gun incident? After all, you’re vulnerable to criminal charges and financial ruin from a justice system biased against responsible gun owners. Even if you do everything right in confronting a home invader, you can be arrested and charged…

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Is Joe Biden OK? Biden’s Brain Freeze and Labored Breathing During Interview with MSNBC Raises Questions About His Health (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Biden had a major brain freeze on Friday evening during his interview with MSNBC. 77-year-old Joe Biden could barely speak on Friday as he gave an interview from his basement. MSNBC host Stephanie Ruhle had to jump in and feed Biden his line because he could not recall a word. WATCH: WATCH: After Joe Biden’s…

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HUGE! CDC and Fauci’s NIAID Add Non-Pneumonia Deaths to US COVID-19 Totals Unlike Other Countries! — If These Deaths are Removed US Has 86,000 COVID-19 Deaths

The Gateway Pundit 

For months doctors and investigative journalists have wondered why state coronavirus death counts include motorcycle accidents, homicides, birth defects, gunshot wounds and thousands of intentional injuries and poisonings to the US Coronavirus death totals. It’s almost as if the medical elites are doing all they can to pad the coronavirus death counts? In Singapore the…

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HERE SHE COMES! Judge Amy Coney Barrett Seen Leaving Her House with Her Seven Kids and Husband! — Announcement at 5 PM ET

The Gateway Pundit 

It has been widely reported that President Donald Trump will nominate Amy Coney Barrett to replace Ruth Bader Ginsburg on the Supreme Court. The president said his announcement will be on Saturday at 5 PM Eastern. Amy Coney Barrett is a working mother with seven kids including two adopted children from Haiti. On Saturday afternoon…

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Sleepy Joe Biden Calls Lid Again, Tenth Time This Month

The Gateway Pundit 

Democrat presidential nominee Joe Biden is taking yet another day off from the campaign trail, with the announcement Saturday morning by his staff that a lid has been called for the day. This marks the tenth day in September that a morning lid has been called for Biden. File screen image. Biden appeared at the…

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The Two Tiered Justice System Lets ‘The Bail Project’ Go Free for Same Activities They Arrested The ‘We Build the Wall’ Leaders

The Gateway Pundit 

The two tiered justice system in the US is so disgusting.  Today we provide another example of our corrupt justice system where the Soros connected Bail Project goes free and the We Build the Wall Project leaders are indicted. We reported on Wednesday: The U-Haul that began distributing riot supplies in Louisville immediately following the…

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Donald Trump Jr. For the Win: Hunter Biden is Partaking in Sexual Trafficking — “Like the Sick Bastard He Is” (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Donald Trump Jr. and his girlfriend and conservative personality Kim Guilfoyle took to social media on Saturday morning to release a video reaction to the news that Hunter Biden was caught up in multi-million dollar foreign money schemes and linked to “prostitution or human trafficking ring” of Russian and Ukrainian women. Donald Trump, Jr.: One…

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George Papadopoulos Hints that More Information on Jim Comey’s Honey-Pot Spy Azra Turk Will Be Breaking Soon

The Gateway Pundit 

In May 2019 The New York Times dropped a bombshell revealing that Stefan Halper’s assistant, ‘Azra Turk,’ who met with Papadopoulos in September of 2016 was actually an FBI investigator posing as a sexy assistant to Halper. Trump campaign foreign policy advisor George Papadopoulos traveled to London in September of 2016 after he received a…

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Louisville Man Who Fired Several Shots at a Line of Police Officers, Injuring Two — Is Only Charged with Assault and Wanton Endangerment

The Gateway Pundit 

On Wednesday night a Black Lives Matter protester attempted to assassinate Louisville Police Officers. Two police officers were hit by gunfire by a Black Lives Matter thug. The suspect was arrested. And now there are video and photos of the shooter. Possible Shooter In Louisville? #LouisvilleProtests pic.twitter.com/jP4LokNdMP — DKRecords (@RealDKRecords) September 24, 2020 In this…

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Portland Organization Gives ‘Black People or Families’ $150 Each to Leave the City Ahead of Saturday’s Proud Boy Rally

The Gateway Pundit 

A Portland organization is giving black people and families $150 each to leave the city for the day ahead of Saturday’s Proud Boys rally at Delta Park. The group is planning to fund the departure of 200 families, so they’re planning to drop about $30,000. “Black Joy PDX weekend was organized by Brown Hope, which…

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General Flynn’s Family Releases Statement Following Release of New Evidence of Massive Corruption by Obama-Biden DOJ Targeting Gen. Flynn

The Gateway Pundit 

The Flynn family released a statement related to their brother, father, uncle, and cherished family member.  This was released under Barbara Flynn Redgate’s Twitter account: Flynn Family Statement- September 25, 2020: Evidence Of Massive Corruption By Obama-Biden FBI DOJ & SCO Pour From Just Released Documents Exposing Targeting Of General Flynn-To “Get Trump” We Demand…

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The Bail Project – The Soros Connected Entity that Rented the Uhaul in Louisville – Was Given $350k to $1m in Covid Relief Loans

The Gateway Pundit 

We reported on Wednesday: The U-Haul that began distributing riot supplies in Louisville immediately following the announcement that no officers would be charged for Breonna Taylor’s death was rented to Holly Zoller of the Louisville Bail Initiative. The pre-parked truck was loaded with shields painted with anti-police messages, umbrellas, gas masks, and other riot supplies.…

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Larry C. Johnson: Bombshell–FBI Special Agent Barnett Blows the lid Off of the Coup Against Trump

The Gateway Pundit 

Guest post by Larry C. Johnson Last week (September 17, 2020) the investigators for US Attorney for the Eastern District, Jeffrey B. Jensen, who is conducting an ongoing review of the FBI investigation that led to charges in this case of General Michael Flynn, interviewed FBI Special Agent William Barnett, who handled the counterintelligence investigation…

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Новости России

За прошедшую неделю подмосковные росгвардейцы обеспечили безопасность более 200 мероприятий

Archbishop Viganò Issues Warning to Catholics at Annual Breakfast: President Trump Is Preparing to Fight Against Demonic Forces of Deep State and New World Order

The Gateway Pundit 

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, the former apostolic nuncio to the United States, wrote a letter this year for the National Catholic Prayer Breakfast, which was held on wednesday. The organizers chose not to read this letter during the breakfast. Later Life Site News published the letter in full. Archbishop Vigano warned Catholics on the historic…

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WATCH: ‘Dreadhead Cowboy’ Stops Chicago Traffic On Horseback (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Self-proclaimed ‘Dreadhead Cowboy’ Adam Hollingsworth rode a horse for seven miles on the Dan Ryan Expressway in Chicago while advocating the message ‘kids lives matter’ and obstructing traffic with a posse of protesters. Moments after Hollingsworth was cuffed and arrested, there were other activists ready to deliver a message. One man stated, “We need the…

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LEAKED Inside Documents show BLUE PRINT of Radical Left’s Rapid Response Plan to Disrupt SCOTUS Nomination and Vote

The Gateway Pundit 

Investigative journalist Millie Weaver released the far left blue prints for the far left’s plans for protesting President Trump’s Supreme Court pick. President Trump is expected to announce his pick on Saturday at 5:00 PM Eastern. The left has already released its blue print to disrupt and shut down the Senate during the confirmation hearings…

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BREAKING: The Clinton Foundation Is Now Morphed into a Criminal Investigation by US Attorney John Durham – KA-BOOM!

The Gateway Pundit 

George Papadopoulos dropped a bomb on Friday.  He pointed out the obvious but somewhat overlooked.  John Durham’s investigation into the Clinton Foundation is a criminal investigation. Papadopoulos was on Newsmax Friday where he shared the following: What a week.  I thought after the bombshell developments about Senator Johnson about Hunter Biden’s overt corruption in the…

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BREAKING: High Level Italian Official Who Introduced Papadopoulos to Joseph Mifsud Is Under Indictment in Italy

The Gateway Pundit 

George Papadopoulos shared tonight that a high level Italian official who introduced him to Joseph Mifsud is under indictment.  Italy was the epicenter of Obamagate. Papadopolous tweeted tonight: Link: https://t.co/NcEcZgzjC3 — George Papadopoulos (@GeorgePapa19) September 25, 2020 Italian news reported today that a Florence public prosecutor asked for the trial of 69 people as part…

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