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The Gateway Pundit

Новости за 13.09.2020

PURE EVIL: Bystanders Laugh, Mock Deputies including 31-Year-Old Mother After They Are Ambushed, Shot in the Head — NO ONE Runs to Help Them

The Gateway Pundit 

On Saturday night two Sheriff’s deputies including a 31-year-old mother of a six-year-old were ambushed and shot in their car in Los Angeles. Video shows a very short man or child stalking the sitting car and then shooting the two deputies several times in the head. When the deputies were brought to St. Francis Hospital…

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EPIC! Massive Latinos For Trump Caravan Underway in Miami – More Than 400 Vehicles! (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

The weekends are for Trump caravans and Trump boat parades! A massive Latinos for Trump caravan was underway in Miami, Florida on Sunday. Cubans, Venezuelans and Nicaraguans in Miami organized a massive caravan rally supporting President Trump. WATCH: meanwhile in Miami .. sunday ! @realDonaldTrump pic.twitter.com/3ygkQfxyD8 — Pedro Moreno (@Tv_pedromoreno) September 13, 2020 “We don’t…

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Heartbreaking: Father of Iranian Wrestler Navid Afkari Hangs His Son’s Empty Singlet Outside Their Home after Regime Executes His Son for Protesting

The Gateway Pundit 

The Iranian regime executed wrestling champion Navid Afkari on Saturday despite a global outcry including a public plea by President Trump. His mother had called out for help on Friday. Navid and his brothers were arrested for protesting the regime. #BREAKING Navid Afkari, a 27-year old political prisoner, was executed early Saturday morning, despite a…

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After Two LA Deputies Are Ambushed and Shot in the Head — Entire Washington Football Team Kneels Together Against Police Brutality, For BLM

The Gateway Pundit 

On Saturday night two Sheriff’s deputies including a 31-year-old mother of a six-year-old were ambushed and shot in their car in Los Angeles. Video shows a very short man or child stalking the sitting car and then shooting the two deputies several times in the head. When the deputies were brought to St. Francis Hospital…

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MN: Young Voter Shares Message For Trump During Interview With Far-Left MSNBC: “Keep on Fighting the Good Fight” [VIDEO]

The Gateway Pundit 

Earlier today, the Trump War Room shared clips of far-left MSNBC interviewing Trump supporters in Minnesota. One of the videos they shared was of an interview with Kalley Erickson, a young female who is clearly confident in her decision to vote for Trump in 2020. Minnesota LOVES President Trump. Minnesota voter: “I would like to…

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America-hater Ilhan Omar Says Biden Will “Be Responsive” to her Policies — Then Calls for Dismantling Police (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

America-hating Democrat Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) told MSNBC that Joe Biden “is going to be responsive to the policy positions we are advocating for.” Then she promptly renewed her call for “dismantling” the police. This is a piece of the insanity the Democrats are pushing on America. Democrat Rep. Ilhan Omar says Joe Biden "is…

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Unhinged NPR Hack Reporter Josie Huang Flattened to Pavement, Cuffed and Arrested After She Rushed Police Outside Hospital Blocked By BLM Mob

The Gateway Pundit 

The American public is paying this unhinged woman’s salary. NPR’s Josie Huang flattened on pavement and arrested outside of St. Francis hospital in Los Angeles on Saturday night. On Saturday night two Sheriff’s deputies including a 31-year-old mother of a six-year-old were ambushed and shot in their car in Los Angeles. Video shows a very…

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Analysis of FOX News Poll: When Adjusted for Party Affiliation and Reality – Trump is Destroying Hiden’ Biden

The Gateway Pundit 

FOX News came out with its poll results again this Sunday.  This poll consistently is skewed towards the Democrats.  Today we explain why this is and offer estimates when eliminating this polling bias.  (Hint – Trump is way ahead!) FOX News came out this morning with the results of its poll where they again show…

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Trump-Hating Drudge Report Continues to Hemorrhage Readers — Breitbart Takes the Reins as Largest Conservative Website

The Gateway Pundit 

The Drudge Report reign is over. In May 2017 at his peak, the Drudge Report had over one billion views! The Drudge Report once boasted over one billion pageviews a month. In July 2019 the Drudge Report dropped below 800,000,000 views. That’s a drop of 200,000,000 million monthly readers! The Drudge Report traffic has been…

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“It’s Beyond Sad. It’s Elder Abuse by the DNC” – TRUMP Goes There — Retweets What We’re All Seeing in Joe Biden

The Gateway Pundit 

Joe Biden has dementia. Aussie reporter Rita Panahi put together an amazing collection of Joe Biden’s recent displays of senility. For months Americans have seen Joe Biden stumble and fumble his way through his campaign stops and interviews. At this point it’s no longer amuzing it’s sad. It’s also infuriating. What the Democrats are doing…

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Time for an Investigation: Dr. Fauci and NIAID Accused of Collaboration with China on the COVID-19 Virus

The Gateway Pundit 

Guest post by Col. Lawrence Sellin (Ret.)  also posted at ccnationalsecurity.org Americans are unaware of the extent of China’s infiltration of U.S. medical research, the degree to which U.S. officials and scientists facilitated it, the possibly dangerous transfer of technology, including that related to the likely creation of the COVID-19 virus, and the continuation of…

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“We Hope the B*tch Dies!” – BLM Chants Against 31-Year-Old LA Sheriff Deputy and Mother After She is Ambushed and Shot in the Head — Try to Breach Hospital!(Video)

The Gateway Pundit 

As Cassandra reported earlier– A Black Lives Matter mob swarmed the hospital where two deputies were taken for treatment after being ambushed and shot. They blocked doorways, threatened officers at the scene and attempted to force their way inside. As the Gateway Pundit previously reported, two Los Angeles County Sheriff Deputies, a man and a…

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“I Don’t Fear Communists” – Reporter Attacked by BLM Mob in Georgetown – Physically Assaulted (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Reporter Megan Barth was assaulted Saturday night in the Georgetown area of Washington DC. She was filming the Black Lives Matter mob. The reporter was filming the BLM mob as they were walking down the street. They swarmed her and assaulted her for filming them. Notice in the video the BLM marchers were carrying a…

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VIDEOS: Black Lives Matter Mob Swarms HOSPITAL Where Deputies Were Being Treated After Being Ambushed, Threaten Police at Scene Saying ‘You’re Next’

The Gateway Pundit 

A Black Lives Matter mob swarmed the hospital where two deputies were taken for treatment after being ambushed and shot. They blocked doorways, threatened officers at the scene and attempted to force their way inside. As the Gateway Pundit previously reported, two Los Angeles County Sheriff Deputies, a man and a woman, are in surgery…

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Новости России

В Подмосковье сотрудники Росгвардии провели встречу со студентами финансового университета

Police Officer Injured in Rochester as They Attempted to Disperse Black Lives Matter Rioters (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

A police officer in Rochester, New York, has been injured while attempting to disperse rioters. Blaze reporter Elijah Schaffer reports that while it is unclear how the officer was injured, rioters had been throwing projectiles. NEW YORK: officer has been injured in Rochester during an attempt to clear protesters after an unlawful assembly was declared…

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Surveillance Video of Ambush Shooting of LA Sheriff Deputies Released (Shooter Looks Like a Child!)

The Gateway Pundit 

Surveillance video of the ambush shooting of two Los Angeles County Sheriff Deputies in Compton Saturday night has been posted by the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department. The video shows the attacker sneaking up from the passenger side of the deputies’ car and firing. As the shooter runs away the passenger door is opened. The…

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Blaze Reporter Elijah Schaffer Assaulted By Rochester Black Lives Matter Rioters Dressed Up As Press

The Gateway Pundit 

Blaze reporter and political commentator Elijah Schaffer was assaulted by Black Lives Matter rioters dressed up as press in Rochester on Saturday evening. Activists dressing up as “press” to avoid arrest has been a common tactic by both Black Lives Matter and Antifa for a long time, including during Occupy and Ferguson. By dressing up…

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Director Oliver Stone on Watters’ World: “I Think We Know that Someone from the DNC Leaked the Information to Julian [Assange]”

The Gateway Pundit 

Famous Director Oliver Stone was on Watters’ World tonight and he expressed his thoughts on the Deep State Intel community and their actions related to Julian Assange.   Director Stone shared: I tend to believe Julian Assange.  I’ve been behind his case from the beginning.  Assange to me, he is a hero, a solid foundation.  He’s…

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