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The Gateway Pundit

Новости за 11.09.2020

22-Year-Old Who Had His Arm Partially Blown Off After Pointing a Gun at 17-Year-Old Kyle Rittenhouse’s Head Cries Victim to CNN

The Gateway Pundit 

Gaige Grosskreutz Gaige Grosskreutz, the 22-year-old Kenosha rioter who had his arm partially blown off by Kyle Rittenhouse after he aggressively rushed at the 17-year-old and pointed a pistol at the child’s head, cried victim on CNN. Grosskreutz had a gun in his hand when he ran up to Rittenhouse, so in self defense, the…

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EXCLUSIVE: Interview with Retired Former Chief of the Army Criminal Law Division, Col. Richard Black, Warning of Military Generals Undermining President Trump

The Gateway Pundit 

Is the next option in the ‘rolling coup’ coming from the military? We discuss this and more with Former Marine Helicopter Pilot, career JAG Officer and Chief of the Army Criminal Law Division, Col. Richard Black, (USA Ret.). Col. Richard H. Black, (USA Ret.) has a storied history.  He explained to us that he flew…

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Reported Anti-Trump Prosecutor Nora Dannehy Resigns from Durham Probe Over Alleged Election Pressure by Barr

The Gateway Pundit 

Nora Dannehy, a former career federal prosecutor who was asked by her old boss U.S. Attorney for Connecticut John Durham to return to government service to work on the probe of the Trump-Russia hoax investigation abuses by the Obama administration and the Deep State, has resigned, reportedly over concerns the investigation is facing pressure over…

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Trump Questions if Biden Given Drugs to Enhance His Speaking Ability (Video)

The Gateway Pundit 

President Donald Trump questioned the apparent improved ability of Democrat presidential nominee Joe Biden to speak coherently, raising the possibility of the 77-year-old former vice president being given drugs to enhance his speaking ability. Trump made the comment during a taped interview with Fox News Channel host Judge Jeanine Pirro set to be broadcast Saturday…

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Abortionist Who Said She Cuts Baby Vocal Cords Before Abortion So They Can’t Scream Loses Medical License

The Gateway Pundit 

Back in 2018 Dr. Leah Torres wrote on Twitter that she cuts baby vocal cords before her abortions “so they can’t scream.” Dr. Torres tweeted this out. But in August Dr. Leah Torres lost her medical license because she allegedly made fraudulent statements on her application. CBN News reported: Dr. Leah N. Torres, an Alabama-based…

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Trump Nevada Rallies Still On This Weekend? Strong Signs Point to New Venues for Reno and Las Vegas Events

The Gateway Pundit 

President Trump’s cancelled rallies in Nevada this weekend appear to be in the process of being relocated to friendlier venues in Reno and Las Vegas. The rallies were cancelled due to coronavirus restrictions by Democrat Governor Steve Sisolak who has prohibited public gatherings of more than fifty people. The Trump campaign says their rallies are…

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HUGE NEWS! President Trump Announces Historic Peace Agreement Between Bahrain and Israel on Anniversary of 9-11 Attacks on America

The Gateway Pundit 

President Trump met with the Crown Prince of Bahrain in the White House in November 2017. President Donald Trump is expected to announce a historic peace agreement between Bahrain and Israel today in the White House on the anniversary of the 9-11 attacks on America. This comes less than a month after President Trump announced…

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Andy Puzder: Trump Inherited a Weak Economy and Made It Roar

The Gateway Pundit 

This report by Andy Puzder was reposted here with permission from Real Clear Markets Once again, Democrats are trying to attribute President Trump’s economic success to President Obama—and their claims are no truer than they’ve ever been. Joe Biden’s running mate, Kamala Harris, claimed last month that Trump “inherited the longest economic expansion in history…

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Breaking: Anti-Trump Judge and Weissmann Ally John Gleeson Files Reply Brief in Judge Sullivan’s Outlandish Persecution of General Michael Flynn

The Gateway Pundit 

Amicus Judge John Gleeson filed his brief reply today in the ongoing deep state persecution of General Michael Flynn. Federal charges were dropped against General Michael Flynn on May 5, 2020 after internal memos were released raising serious questions about the nature of the investigation that led to Flynn’s late 2017 guilty plea of lying…

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Dimwitted Child of Privilege Chelsea Clinton Lectures on How to “Erode White Privilege” from Your Life

The Gateway Pundit 

She is too dense to see the irony. Dimwitted child of privilege Chelsea Clinton thought it would be a good idea to lecture parents on white privilege. Chelsea talked about how she is working to “erode” white privilege out of her children during a conversation with America-hating Squad Member Ayanna Pressley (D-MA) about voting rights…

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Biden to Reporters En Route to Ground Zero: “I’m Not Going to Make Any News Today…I’m Not Going to Be Holding Any Press Conferences” (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Joe Biden told reporters on Friday that he will only be talking about 9/11 and he won’t be holding any press conferences. The 77-year-old left his basement bunker on Friday and traveled to New York on the 19th anniversary of the September 11, 2001 terror attacks against the US. “I’m not going to make any…

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Flashback: Donald Trump Visits Ground Zero the Day after the 9-11 Attacks and Asks How He Can Help (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

On September 11, 2001, Islamic terrorists attacked New York City. The Muslim killers flew planes into the Twin Towers at the World Trade Center killing 2,606 innocent Americans. Donald Trump visited Ground Zero the day after the attacks. Here is Donald Trump’s first interview at Ground Zero. Donald Trump asked, “How can I help?” Donald…

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President Trump Nominated for a SECOND Nobel Peace Prize by Swedish Lawmaker After Historic Kosova-Serbia Peace Agreement

The Gateway Pundit 

President Trump was nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize on Wednesday. It should have happened years ago. A member of the Norwegian Parliament, Christian Tybring-Gjedde, nominated President Trump for the Nobel Peace Prize after Trump successfully accomplished a peace deal between Israel and the United Arab Emirates (UAE). On Friday President Trump again was nominated…

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New York USPIS Agents Manhandle War Hero and Triple Amputee in the Most Grotesque Abuse of a Disabled War Vet in US History

The Gateway Pundit 

Is this the most egregious US government abuse of a disabled war veteran in history? Two weeks ago war hero and triple amputee Brian Kolfage was arrested on bogus charges related to building a wall on the Southern Border. The 15 New York USPIS agents who arrested him dragged him into their arrest vehicle and…

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Audience Chants “Four More Years!” as VP Mike Pence and His Wife Leave the Stage at the 9-11 Memorial Ceremony in New York City (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Vice President Mike Pence and his wife Karen Pence spoke on Friday at the annual 9-11 Remembrance Ceremony in New York City. The couple read a Psalm from the Bible. When VP Mike Pence was finished, the couple silently left the stage. That’s when the audience started chanting “Four More Years!” Pence reads the Lord’s…

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Новости России

За прошедшую неделю подмосковные росгвардейцы обеспечили безопасность более 200 мероприятий

BIG TECH COLLUSION: Facebook, Twitter and Google Announce Measures to Censor Pro-Trump Information Before the Election

The Gateway Pundit 

Big Tech companies are putting in place measures that will prevent Trump supporters from openly communicating and promoting their candidate before and after the election.  Big tech will collectively put their knee on the neck of democracy. After the 2016 election the Democrats, who had run the US into the ground during the previous eight…

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L.A. Public Health Director Caught On Tape Saying Schools Will Stay Shut Until ‘After The Election’ (AUDIO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Have you been wondering if the Coronavirus shutdowns and delayed school reopenings might have something to do with politics and the presidential election? You may be right. A public health official in California named Barbara Ferrer was recently caught on tape saying that schools will likely remain shut until after the election. Sounds like she…

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NY Times Hack Spouts Off After She Is Removed From Trump Michigan Rally — Then The Truth Comes Out

The Gateway Pundit 

New York Times hack Kathy Gray attended the Trump Michigan rally on Thursday night so she could take swipes at the president and his supporters. Kathy Gray was tweeting out in the crowd “Not many masks.” Crammed in crowd in the rain for trump rally in michigan. Not many masks pic.twitter.com/5DZ6JBVNK8 — Kathy Gray (@michpoligal)…

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