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The Gateway Pundit

Новости за 16.09.2020

OUTRAGEOUS! Kayleigh McEnany SLAMS White House Media for Not Asking ONE QUESTION on Historic Peace Deals — Media Hack Responds By Calling Trump a Criminal! (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

ENEMIES OF THE PEOPLE– Once again the White House Press Corps let down the American people with their constant lies and lies of omission. On Tuesday President Trump signed historic peace agreements between Israel, the UAE and Bahrain. This comes in the same month President Trump signed historic peace agreements between Kosovo and Serbia. But…

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TRUMP ECONOMY WAS BOOMING: Census Bureau Says U.S. Household Income Jumped 7% In 2019

The Gateway Pundit 

Before the coronavirus hit the U.S. (and despite what the mainstream media seems to say daily, President Trump didn’t cause COVID-19), the economy was going gangbusters. Income in American households rose dramatically in 2019, according to data published Tuesday by the U.S. Census Bureau. The “median household income increased 6.8 percent to $68,703 between 2018…

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Biden Calls on Reporters From Prepared List of Names After Showing Up 90 Minutes Late For 10-Minute Speech on Covid Vaccine (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Joe Biden on Wednesday delivered remarks on the Coronavirus vaccine in Wilmington, Delaware. Biden was 90 minutes late for his 10 minute speech. During his speech, Biden undermined faith in the Coronavirus vaccine. “Nearly eight months after this crisis on the doorstep of 200,000 American deaths, President Trump has refused once again to take responsibility…

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GONE FOREVER: Yelp Data Shows 60% Of Business Closures Due To COVID-19 Are Now Permanent

The Gateway Pundit 

A majority of businesses that shut down during the COVID-19 over-reaction by government officials will never reopen. “As of Aug, 31, 163,735 businesses have indicated on Yelp that they have closed. That’s down from the 180,000 that closed at the very beginning of the pandemic. However, it actually shows a 23% increase in the number…

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Facing Multi-Billion Dollar Budget Crisis, De Blasio Plans To Take $4,972 Pay Cut — From $258,541 Salary!

The Gateway Pundit 

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio on Wednesday announced that his entire office — including himself — will be furloughed for a week to help alleviate the city’s multibillion-dollar deficit. The city faces a $9 billion budget deficit, caused in part by the Democratic mayor’s decision to shut down the city over the coronavirus pandemic. New…

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REPORT: Attorney General Bill Barr Told Federal Prosecutors to Charge Violent Rioters with Sedition

The Gateway Pundit 

US Attorney General William Barr US Attorney General Bill Barr told federal prosecutors to charge violent rioters with sedition, according to report by The Wall Street Journal. WSJ reported Bill Barr made these statements during a conference call last week with federal prosecutors. According to the WSJ, which cited “people familiar” with the conference call,…

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Fake News CBS Caught Using Photo From Latinos For Trump Event in Phoenix and Tagged it as Biden’s Florida Event!

The Gateway Pundit 

Fake news CBS got caught in a huge lie AGAIN! CBS News used a photo from a Latinos for Trump in event in Phoenix and tagged it as Biden’s Latino event in Florida. Emblazoned on CBS’s chyron: “Biden pitches crucial Latino voters during Florida campaign stop” — with a photo from Trump’s Phoenix rally. A…

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Jill Biden Hits the Campaign Trail in New Hampshire as Feeble Biden Stays Put in Delaware (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Is Jill Biden running for president? Joe Biden’s wife Jill hit the campaign trail in New Hampshire on Wednesday as feeble Joe stayed put in Delaware. Old Joe must be exhausted from traveling to Florida yesterday to pander to the Latino community. 77-year-old Joe Biden will be briefed by public health experts in Wilmington, Delaware,…

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Trump Campaign Trolls Biden After His Latest Stunt Pandering to Latinos: ‘Actually, “Despacito” is the Perfect Song For Biden’ (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

The Trump campaign trolled Joe Biden following his latest cringeworthy stunt pandering to the Latino community. Joe Biden traveled to Florida on Tuesday to pander to the Latino community as he loses support from Hispanic voters. Ricky Martin and Eva Longoria were at the Kissimmee event desperately trying to help Biden connect to the Latino…

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O’Keefe Strikes Again! Staffer For Dem Running Against Mitch McConnell Admits Campaign Deceives Trump Voters in Kentucky by “Not Talking About Specific Policy” (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

James O’Keefe strikes again! Project Veritas caught a campaign staffer for Amy McGrath, Mitch McConnell’s Democrat opponent in Kentucky, admitting she was told not to talk about policy in order to trick Trump supporters into voting for her. McGrath’s campaign staffer Abby Cox told Veritas’s undercover journalist that they are instructed to deceive Trump voters…

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“Left-Leaning” Group That Received $250 Million From Mark Zuckerberg Is Being Sued For Election Interference In WI

The Gateway Pundit 

100 Percent Fed Up – The WVA – Wisconsin Voters Alliance has filed a complaint against a “left-leaning group” funded by Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and his wife, Priscilla Chan, who have donated a whopping quarter of billion dollars to the group that claims “Elections place too many burdens on voters.” The group doesn’t appear…

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Squad Member and Crackpot Ayanna Pressley Wants to Declare Racism a National Emergency Based on Her Statistical Nonsense (Video)

The Gateway Pundit 

Crackpot Democrat Ayanna Pressley is pushing legislation to declare racism a public health emergency. Pressley, a vocal member of the Democrat-Socialst “squad”, says police “brutality” is the sixth leading cause of death for young black men. This is a ridiculous and hateful statement like much of nonsense this radical Democrat spews out of her mouth…

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Joe Biden Endorses Michigan Democrat Who Blogged About 4-Year-Old Girls Wearing Thong Underwear

The Gateway Pundit 

Baby-sniffer Joe Biden on Wednesday endorsed a Michigan Democrat who previously berated women as “breeders” and blogged about 4-year-old girls wearing thong underwear. Jon Hoadley, a state lawmaker, is now running for US Congress in Michigan’s 6th district and was also endorsed by Kamala Harris. The seat is currently occupied by a Republican and this…

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It’s Happening! President Trump Passes Joe Biden in National Rasmussen Survey for First Time — Approval Rating Soars to 52%

The Gateway Pundit 

President Donald Trump passed Joe Biden on Wednesday in the national Rasmussen polling. This is the fires time President Trump has topped Sleepy Joe. Trump scored 47 percent with likely voters. Sleepy Joe deopped to 46 percent with likely voters. President Trump also scored 22 percent with black voters. And… President Trump’s approval rating is…

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Despite Pressure from Top Democrat Leaders — Big Ten Reverses Decision and Votes to Play Football Thanks to Trump

The Gateway Pundit 

The Big Ten voted this morning to play ball in 2020 after previously running with Democrat politicians and cancelling all sports through the end of the year.  The USA Today reports: Bowing to pressure from players, coaches and politicians, the Big Ten’s presidents decided Wednesday morning to move forward with an eight-game football season beginning on…

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Milwaukee Felon and Indicted Firebomber of Police Station Is Leading the BLM Targeting, Doxxing and Rioting at Trump Supporters’ Homes

The Gateway Pundit 

The leader of the group of Milwaukee BLM militants doxing innocent Trump supporters and rioting at their homes is a felon with thousands of dollars in outstanding fines who attempted to burn down a police station in 2016. As we reported yesterday, on Tuesday evening, a Trump supporter was arrested for holding a shotgun by…

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Новости России

Московский аэропорт Домодедово и Всероссийское общество инвалидов заключили соглашение о сотрудничестве

TRUE PATRIOTISM… Mike Ditka to NFL Kneelers: “If You Can’t Respect this Country – Get the Hell Out of It” (Video)

The Gateway Pundit 

Mike Ditka blasted the America-haters in the NFL this week. Ditka had a message for the the National Anthem kneelers — “If you can’t respect this country get the hell out of it.” Via NewsMax. FOX LA reported: The Chicago Bears legend and NFL Hall of Famer has said in the past he opposes players…

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NEW AUDIO Released in Ukraine Reveals Joe Biden Trashing Trump and Promising to Stay Involved After Trump Inauguration — While His Son Was on the Dole

The Gateway Pundit 

A new audio was released on Wednesday by current Ukrainian authorities between then Vice President Joe Biden and Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko on November 16, 2016. ** CD Media posted the three audio segments. In the first audio recording, which took place a week after the November 2016 election of Donald Trump, Biden is heard…

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BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Videos Show George Floyd Dropping a Small White Baggie Upon Arrest and OFFICERS PULLING CRACK PIPE FROM HIS POCKET

The Gateway Pundit 

The Gateway Pundit has confirmed unreported evidence linked to the arrest and death of George Floyd who died in police custody in Minneapolis, Minnesota at the end of May.  From video analysis George Floyd dropped a small white baggie behind himself when he was arrested and was found with crack pipe during his arrest. Below…

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Dr. Li-Meng Yan from Hong Kong Confirmed GP Reporting from April that the China Coronavirus Was Man-made and Not a Natural Event

The Gateway Pundit 

Dr. Li-Meng Yan was on with Tucker Carlson tonight and she discussed her recent report and thoughts related to the China coronavirus.  The doctor shared what we reported earlier tonight, that she has evidence that the China coronavirus was produced in a China lab. Per Larry Sellin’s discussion of her report, Dr. Yan reported: Dr.…

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