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The Gateway Pundit

Новости за 02.04.2020

IMHE Coronavirus Model the White House is Relying on is GARBAGE – It Predicted 121,000 Americans Hospitalized by Yesterday; Actual Number?… 31,142

The Gateway Pundit 

The IMHE (Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation) model for the Coronavirus the White House is relying on is complete garbage. The US economy has been virtually shut down, unemployment spiked and small businesses are on the verge of shuttering based on faulty projections. The IMHE model is using New York and New Jersey data…

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Good News! Conseravative Star Candace Owens Says She Is “Honestly Considering” Running for Office

The Gateway Pundit 

Conservative star Candace Owens announced on Twitter last night that she is “honestly considering” a run for office. I’m now honestly considering running for office. Never had any desire to previously, but something changed in me last night. Had a conversation with my husband and I think it’s a plan. — Candace Owens (@RealCandaceO) April…

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WATCH: Laura Ingraham: Trump Is Doing Exactly What He Should Be Doing (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Laura Ingraham tells it like it is!   Ingraham praised President Trump saying that he is “doing exactly what he should be doing” battling the Coronavirus.   “he’s consulting with the scientists, listening to all the stakeholders, including the American citizens, and he’s confidently reminding us that no matter what the challenge, you bet America…

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Newsom: Coronavirus an Opportunity to Create a New “Progressive Era” to “Reshape the Way We Do Business and How We Govern” (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Never let a crisis go to waste, right? California governor Gavin Newsom (D) said the Coronavirus is an opportunity to create a new “progressive era.” The Coronavirus panic has caused unemployment to spike in the wake of unprecedented shelter-in-place orders from local and state governments. President Trump just signed a mammoth $2 trillion Coronavirus economic…

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DISTURBING VIDEO: Woman Goes Through Store’s Displayed Computers and Touches Each One and Its Keyboard – Is Confronted by Customer

The Gateway Pundit 

This is very disturbing. A woman was filmed going through a store and touching each computer and keyboard. She is confronted but continues to go touch each of the dispayed computers. Really weird behavior. Doing their very best to kills us all off, AND with a SMILE ON THEIR FACE TOO!#COVID-19 #Coronavirus #auspol #ChinaLiedPeopleDied pic.twitter.com/sns37KPoyH…

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UN Wants a 10% Global Tax to Pay for New “Shared Responsibility” Program to Address Coronavirus Pandemic

The Gateway Pundit 

Like the American left the globalists never let a crisis pass without attempting a power-grab. The WHO lied about the seriousness of the global coronavirus pandemic. The WHO praised China despite their continued lying. And WHO leader Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus then later created an international panic and global depression when he overstated the mortality rate…

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Shivering, Beaten ‘Like a Piñata’ – Chris Cuomo Says Coronavirus Caused Him to Hallucinate About His Deceased Father (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Chris “Fredo” Cuomo announced Tuesday he tested positive for the Coronavirus. Cuomo said he was “quarantined in his basement” so his wife and kids don’t get the virus. The CNN anchor was full of energy and wide-eyed as he described his Coronavirus symptoms from the comfort of his basement Wednesday night. Cuomo said he was…

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HUGE! Infectious Disease Expert Says His Clinic Has Not Seen ANYONE UNDER 70 Who was not Obese or Pre-Diabetic Get Seriously Ill with COVID-19 (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Infectious Disease Specialist Dr. Stephen Smith shared some very exciting news Wednesday night on The Ingraham Angle. Dr. Smith has been treating coronavirus patients at the Smith Center for Infectious Diseases and Urban Health in East Orange, New Jersey. Dr. Smith revealed that in his treatment of coronavirus patients he has not seen a single…

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Dr. Fauci Says His Immunity Testing is Not His Priority — Would Help Leaders Know When to Restart Economy (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

On Wednesday Dr. Fauci told reporters immunity testing is not his priority. Fauci’s current concern is testing for those who are sick with the coronavirus at the current time. Fauci added that understanding the herd immunity is not his priority. An antibody coronavirus test could determine who has already had the virus and the spread…

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Heartland Trailways Writes Gateway Pundit — Family Owned Charter Bus Lines Are Being Decimated by Economic Shutdown

The Gateway Pundit 

Heartland Trailways is based out of St. Joseph, Missouri. On Tuesday we posted video from The Ingraham Angle of hotel operator Monty Bennett, the CEO of Ashford Inc. Monty told Laura Ingraham he had to cut 95% of his hotel employees.  Bennett said the current ecomonic crisis is worse than 9-11 and the 2008 market crash…

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HUGE! Total Cost of Coronavirus Shutdowns and Lockdowns Estimated at $34 Trillion – More than the US GDP!

The Gateway Pundit 

The folks at the conservative website Grassfire put together their estimate for the costs of the shutdowns related to the coronavirus and the amount is staggering: 1. Loss of Stock Market Valuation At the end of February, reports indicated the stock market lost $6 trillion in valuation based on a drop of the Dow Jones…

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With It’s Economy Collapsing, In An ACT OF ECONOMIC WAR, China Dropped the Coronavirus and Destroyed the Entire World Economy

The Gateway Pundit 

We reported over the past two years how China’s economy was collapsing.  You could feel it and there were many signs of China’s pending economic collapse.  Was their response an Act of War? The BBC reported in January that official China figures are out and the news is scary: China’s economy grew last year at…

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RI Public School Teacher UNDER INVESTIGATION After Offering to Pay Someone With Coronavirus to Cough on President Trump

The Gateway Pundit 

The Rhode Island public school teacher who tweeted an offer to pay someone with coronavirus to cough on President Donald Trump is now under investigation by the district following Gateway Pundit’s viral report. A newly uncovered tweet from one of her alternate accounts also reveals serious racism directed towards black people. As TGP previously reported,…

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“This is the Beginning of the End of the Pandemic” – Dr. Stephen Smith Announces Hydroxy-Choloroquine Study that is “Game Changer” in Battle Against Coronavirus (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Infectious Disease Specialist Dr. Stephen Smith shared some very exciting news Wednesday night on The Ingraham Angle. Dr. Smith has been treating coronavirus patients at the Smith Center fr Infectious Diseases and Urban Health in East Orange, New Jersey. Dr. Smith revealed that in his treatment of coronavirus victims he has not seen a single…

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Новости России

Пластический хирург Александр Вдовин: мифы вокруг операции по удалению комков Биша

Ilhan Omar Defends Herself From Adultery Charge With Quran Verse Calling for Flogging of Those Who Falsely Accuse “Chaste Women”

The Gateway Pundit 

That escalated quickly. Muslim Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) found herself in hot water on Twitter Tuesday with her reaction to President Trump warning the next two weeks would be “very painful” in the COVID-19 Chinses coronavirus crisis. Omar posted an Islamic saying, “Subhanallah!” that some interpreted as praise, rather than an expression of shock. Omar…

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FL Candidate Suspends Fundraising, Focuses On Railroad Business To Help Trump

The Gateway Pundit 

Several days ago, Judson Sapp, a Northeast Florida candidate for congress and member of the Trump Victory Committee, announced on March 25 that he would be suspending campaign fundraising in order to assist President Trump’s efforts to maintain supply lines amid Coronavirus panic-buying that is effecting every corner of the Untied States. The CEO of…

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Pentagon Seeking 100,000 Military-Style Body Bags as US Warns Coronavirus Deaths Could Soar

The Gateway Pundit 

Body moved to a refrigerated truck outside hospital in New York The Pentagon is seeking 100,000 military-style body bags as the ‘experts’ warn US Coronavirus deaths could soar in the next few weeks. Bloomberg reported: The Pentagon is seeking to provide as many as 100,000 military-style body bags for potential civilian use as the U.S.…

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“We’re Thinking About Doing That” – President Trump Now Considers Limits on Domestic Flights and Passenger Trains

The Gateway Pundit 

So they’re going to shut down the trains next. President Trump was asked on Wednesday by Jeff Mason from Reuters if he will shut down flights and passenger train travel over fears of the coronavirus. President Trump responded, “We’re thinking about doing that. Those are very, very big decisions from the standpoint of the future…

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OANN Booted From White House Briefings by Press Corps Association

The Gateway Pundit 

One America News Network has been removed by the White House Correspondents Association from the rotation of press outlets granted seats at the daily White House coronavirus task force briefings after OANN reporter Chanel Rion allegedly violated in-house rules by twice showing up at the briefings without an assigned seat. The seating for the press…

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Вице-премьер РФ поддержал второй этап реконструкции аэропорта в Орле

Площадки с кортами для игры в стритбол открыли в столице

Андрей Воробьев провел рабочую встречу с главой Бронниц Дмитрием Лысенковым

Посол Бразилии в Малайзии: решение Куала-Лумпура вступить в БРИКС – это стратегический выбор