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The Gateway Pundit

Новости за 07.04.2020

Colorado Man Handcuffed in Front of His 6-Year-Old Daughter at Park For ‘Violating Social Distancing Order’ (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

The criminals are being released from prison and being replaced with peaceful, law-abiding citizens who dare go outside. A 33-year-old Colorado man was handcuffed in front of his wife and 6-year-old daughter for allegedly violating a social distancing order. 33-year-old Matt Mooney said his young daughter was terrified the police were going to arrest him…

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Here We Go… Wicked Pelosi Says She Will Include Federally Forced Mail-in Voting in Next Round of Coronavirus Aid (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

She really is wicked. On Tuesday on CNN, Nancy Pelosi said that she was going to push for federally forced vote by mail in the 2020 election in the next round of coronavirus aid. The election is seven months away. Via the RNC — The Democrats’ plan for federally forced nationwide vote by mail, advocated…

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“The Deplorables Of Their Time” In Beautiful Copper And Silver

The Gateway Pundit 

(Note: In these uncertain times, it’s important to continue supporting American businesses like the one below and publishers like Gateway Pundit. Thank you – we appreciate your support!) The original “Deplorables” of America were the ones the Establishment hated. They fought the entrenched interests and built America. They were Thomas Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln. They…

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Doctor Prescribing Hydroxychloroquine Says All of His “Very, Very Ill” Patients with Coronavirus Became Symptom Free within 8-12 Hours (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

A Los Angeles doctor prescribing hydroxychloroquine in conjunction with zinc is seeing a 100% success rate with every patient he has treated suffering from the Coronavirus. “Every patient I’ve prescribed [hydroxychloroquine] to has been very, very ill and within 8 to 12 hours, they were basically symptom-free,” said Dr. Anthony Cardillo, the CEO of Mend…

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Phoenix TV – linked to Chinese Communist Party – holds Rotating Seat in White House Press Room — But Pro-Trump Network OANN Is Booted from Briefings!

The Gateway Pundit 

On Monday President Trump called out a reporter for Hong Kong-based Phoenix TV, which is a mouthpiece for the Chinese Communist Party, during Trump’s daily coronavirus update Phoenix TV holds a rotating seat in the White House Press briefings. The Hoover Institution said the Phoenix TV is linked to the People’s Republic of China’s “Ministry…

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WAYNE ALLYN ROOT: “If I Was the Devil”

The Gateway Pundit 

By Wayne Allyn Root Paul Harvey first wrote a commentary with this same title in 1965. I think it is clearly time for me to update it for 2020. I’m a God-fearing and God-loving AMERICAN patriot. I am a Jew who took Jesus Christ as my savior almost 30 years ago. Today, I feel the…

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Activists To Protest Coronavirus Restrictions With Rally On National Mall In D.C.

The Gateway Pundit 

A throng of conservative activists plan to rally Saturday on the National Mall in Washington, D.C., to protest stay-at-home orders by state governments. Jacob Wohl and Jack Burkman, two well known conservative activists, told The Washington Times they are organizing the event. “We are taking to the National Mall,” Wohl, 22, said on Friday. “We’re…

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After Updating Predictions on Sunday Latest IHME Predictions Already 20% Over Actual Numbers — May Be Looking at 46,000 Total US Coronavirus Deaths or Less

The Gateway Pundit 

Last TUESDAY Coronavirus Task Force Response Coordinator Dr. Deborah Birx pushed the talking point that by completely locking down the US economy and American public, the US government and Coronavirus task force “experts” were able to cut the total coronavirus deaths in the United States from 1 to 2.2 million deaths down to 100,000 to…

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Trump Names Loyalist Kayleigh McEnany as White House Press Secretary

The Gateway Pundit 

Great news! President Trump named loyalist Kayleigh McEnany as White House Press Secretary. Ms. McEnany was President Trump’s 2020 campaign spokeswoman and will be replacing White House Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham. Stephanie Grisham will be returning to the East Wing as First Lady Melania’s chief of staff, according to CNN and New York Times. Kayleigh…

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Dem Lawmaker Who Credited Trump For Saving Her Life Says She Had to Beg For Hydroxychloroquine After Michigan Gov Barred the Drug (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

A Democrat state lawmaker from Michigan credited hydroxychloroquine and President Trump for saving her life in her battle with the Coronavirus. Thank you Mr. President! https://t.co/JReEnoRKeJ — Karen Whitsett (@KayLyme) April 6, 2020 Karen Whitsett (D-Detroit) was diagnosed with Coronavirus and said she began to feel relief from her symptoms less than two hours after…

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American Greatness: Trump Needs to Tell Fauci, the NIH and the FDA, “You’re Fired!”

The Gateway Pundit 

With permission from Semmelweis at American Greatness How Government Is Standing in the Way of Lifesaving American Innovation President Trump could order his administration to use America’s companies and tell his public health authorities that they’ve done quite enough—which is to say they’ve done far too little to prepare for the crisis. We should use American…

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HUGE! Covid Tracking Website DELETES Information on Hospitalizations, ICU Patients After TGP Reports Numbers Fall Well Below Model Predictions

The Gateway Pundit 

As reported yesterday at The Gateway Pundit. The government models used to predict the extent of the coronavirus pandemic are off by huge margins in the latest coronavirus tracking numbers. The government predictions reported by the IHME Covid Tracking (https://covidtracking.com/data/ ) for Apr 5th were as follows: – All beds needed: 179,267 – ICU beds…

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Another Elitist Busted: Chicago Mayor Lightfoot Cuts Video About Staying Home Saving Lives, Don’t Get Your Hair Done… Then Caught Getting Hair Done

The Gateway Pundit 

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot cut a video last week urging citizens from the Windy City to “Stay home, Save lives.” The video included her playing basketball in the kitchen, playing the guitar and lecturing her friend about getting her hair done. Mayor Lightfoot: (42 second mark) “Debbie, getting your roots done is not essential!” I…

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PURE MARXISM: Hartford is Promoting SeeClickFix App on Local Stations for Citizens to Snitch on Their Neighbors for Violating Social Distancing

The Gateway Pundit 

Last night on Local News 8 WTNH in Hartford local citizens were urged to use the SeeClickFix app to report on their neighbors if they see them break the six-foot social distancing rule.  This is nothing but pure Marxism. The news channel included stories of good citizens reporting on grocery store lines. The local news…

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“You Have Blood on Your Hands – It’s All Going to Come Out” – Steve Bannon Warns Henry Kissinger his Ties to the CCP Are About to be Exposed (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger called for a New Post-Covid World Order this past weekend in an opinion piece at the Wall Street Journal. On Monday former Trump Chief Strategist Steve Bannon warned Henry Kissinger that his secrets are going to come out! Steve Bannon:  We do not need to hear from you about…

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GOP Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel Chronicles Trump’s Early Actions In Coronavirus Crisis

The Gateway Pundit 

Some Democrats have complained that Trump didn’t act early enough to prevent the Coronavirus crisis. That’s pretty rich, considering that they were still trying to impeach him when this all began unfolding. And besides, Trump has been taking action since January. GOP Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel recently laid out all of Trump’s actions in an epic…

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US Sends Military Ships to Caribbean Sea to Disrupt Drug Cartels and Cut Off Socialist Maduro Regime Transfers of Illegal Drugs

The Gateway Pundit 

US military forces expanded their anti-drug operations in the Caribbean. According to White House National Security Adviser Robert O’Brien the military mission is to reduce the entry of illegal drugs into the US. The US sent powerful warships, spy planes, and thousands of US troops to the Sea Caribbean this past week. In addition, President…

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WATCH: After One Sentence, Biden Loses His Train of Thought, Coughs Into His Hand Then Touches His Face During Interview

The Gateway Pundit 

2020 Democrat front runner Joe Biden stumbled his way through another interview on Monday. After just one sentence, 77-year-old Joe Biden lost his train of thought, coughed into his hand then touched his face during his taped interview with the TODAY show. “We’re gonna have to conduct the election on November 3rd — we did…

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Новости России

За прошедшую неделю подмосковные росгвардейцы обеспечили безопасность более 200 мероприятий

California County Closes ALL Golf Courses, Whether Public or PRIVATE Until June 19 Due to Coronavirus – Violators Face Prison and or Hefty Fines

The Gateway Pundit 

A county in Southern California announced it has closed all golf courses, whether public or PRIVATE until June 19 in response to the Coronavirus panic. Riverside County Public Health Officers issued a tyrannical order on Thursday that closes ALL golf courses. “Use of golf courses, and their ancillary areas, shall not be permitted by any…

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BREAKING: Wisconsin Supreme Court Overturns Liberal Governor’s Last Minute Call to Postpone Elections

The Gateway Pundit 

On Monday Wisconsin liberal Governor Tony Evers suspended Tuesday’s state election until June. This was a reversal from his stated position just days ago. It could be because the Democrat candidate for the state supreme court was likely running behind the popular conservative Judge Daniel Kelly. Conservative Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice Daniel Kelly creamed his…

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Democrat State Rep From Michigan Says Hydroxychloroquine, President Trump, Helped Save Her Life After She Tested Positive For Coronavirus

The Gateway Pundit 

Rep. Karen Whitsett, D-Detroit A Democrat state lawmaker from Michigan is crediting hydroxychloroquine and President Trump for saving her life in her battle with the Coronavirus. Karen Whitsett was diagnosed with Coronavirus and said she began to feel relief from her symptoms less than two hours after taking the anti-malaria drugs touted by President Trump.…

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Here We Go… Deep State HHS Inspector General Christi Grimm Is Latest Obama Official to Push New Round of Investigations Against President Trump

The Gateway Pundit 

At the Monday Coronavirus Task Force press conference the slime media were trying to hit Trump up with a new “report” that came out from an anonymous HHS Inspector General that there is not enough testing at US hospitals. The liberal hacks in the press corps think this is a great way to hit Trump…

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FIREWORKS! President Trump Blasts ABC’s Jon Karl, “You’re a Third-Rate Reporter!” (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

President Trump held another Coronavirus task force briefing on Monday. As usual, the hack reporters would rather argue with President Trump than ask pertinent questions about the ongoing pandemic. Trump wasn’t having any of it on Monday. President Trump set ABC’s Jon Karl straight after he started an argument over an HHS IG report on…

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Illinois Man Kills His Girlfriend and Himself Because He Suspected That They Had Coronavirus, Neither of Them Did

The Gateway Pundit 

An Illinois man killed his girlfriend, then himself, because he suspected that she might have the coronavirus. An autopsy report found that the couple, Patrick Jesernik, 54, and Cheryl Schriefer, 59, both tested negative for the virus. A press release from the Will County Sheriff’s Office said that someone had called them on Thursday to…

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