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The Gateway Pundit

Новости за 18.04.2020

A MUST-READ: How Mueller Thugs Targeted and Abused This Gateway Pundit Journalist and Conservative Activists During the Stone Investigation

The Gateway Pundit 

By Jacob Engels Now that the gag order has been lifted on Roger Stone, this Gateway Pundit reporter is now able to speak freely about what actually happened. America knows the pressures presented by a subpoena to appear before a federal grand jury in Washington DC. It can cost you tens of thousands of dollars,…

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Texans Chant “Let us Work!” and “Fire Fauci!” at Coronavirus Lockdown Protest at State Capitol (VIDEOS)

The Gateway Pundit 

Texans gathered at the State Capitol in Austin on Saturday to participate in a rally dubbed, “You Can’t Close America” in protest of the Coronavirus lockdown. Protesters were chanting, “fire Fauci!” and “let us work!” Dr. Anthony Fauci led the country into a lockdown by touting inaccurate IHME Coronavirus doomsday models. The IHME doomsday models…

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THE END OF AN ERA: Drudge Goes Full Leftie – Loses President Trump– Go to Pro-Trump News Instead

The Gateway Pundit 

Paul Sperry posted on The Drudge Report’s latest disingenuous headlines earlier this week. DISINGENUOUS DRUDGE: Headline "NO PEAK YET: U.S. deaths set single-day record" is sensationalistic & misleading. Deaths are a LAGGING indicator, by weeks. Daily new US cases of COVID-19 peaked April 4. New cases have been rolling over ever since. Deaths will follow…

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16-Year-Old Wisconsin Girl Threatened With Arrest Over Coronavirus Instagram Posts, Now Suing Sheriff

The Gateway Pundit 

16-year-old Amyiah Cohoon was one of the early coronavirus patients. The Wisconsin teenager had taken a field trip with her classmates to Florida in early March, just as the virus hysteria was starting up. They wrapped up the field trip early amid concerns and returned to Oxford, Wisconsin. Within a few days, Cohoon was starting…

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Confirmed: Like Everywhere Else – the Vast Majority of New York State Coronavirus Victims Were Over the Age of 70

The Gateway Pundit 

It appears Coronavirus is a Deadly Senior Disease The Italian government released their latest numbers on the coronavirus update in early March. There were 1,247 new cases of the deadly disease reported in Italy at the time. The Italian government also released the percentage of deaths by age group. 90+ years old: 6% of deaths…

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80% of Restaurants Say They May Not Reopen — 11 Million Jobs on the Line — While Pelosi Sits at Home with Her Chocolates, Refuses to Approve More Loan Money

The Gateway Pundit 

Nancy Pelosi showed off her basket of fancy chocolates this week at home in her mansion. A poll of restaurant and bar owners found that 80% of owners are not sure they will ever reopen after the government enforced shutdown of their businesses. Four of five restaurants may never reopen. And Nancy Pelosi refused to…

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The WHO Lied, IHME Lied, Fauci Bought the Lies: Latest International Study Shows COVID-19 Mortality Rate at 0.2% Not 3.4% – Why Was The Gateway Pundit the Only One to Catch This?

The Gateway Pundit 

One month ago on March 17th The Gateway Pundit reported: REMEMBER: WHO leader, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, fomented a global panic when he claimed the COVID-19 had a 3.4% mortality rate and then compared that number to the annual estimated seasonal flu mortality rate of 0.1%. As we reported in early March, the controversial Ethiopian politician…

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Locked-Down New York State Now Has 17K Coronavirus Deaths or 10 Times the Number of Deaths as Sweden – And They Left Their Economy Open

The Gateway Pundit 

Fun Fact for the Day: New York State now has recorded 17,131 coronavirus deaths. This came after New York officials dumped another 3,700 “presumed” coronavirus cases to their fatality numbers earlier this week. New York state has 19.85 million people. New York state leaders put the entire state in lockdown in March. New York City…

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IT’S HAPPENING: At Long Last John Solomon Says Indictments May Be Coming This Week in Obama’s Spygate Scandal (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Earlier this week the Senate Judiciary Committee released key material related to the Obama FISA Abuse Scandal. The documents included transcripts and material related to the Committee’s investigation into Department of Justice (DOJ) and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) actions leading up to and during the Spygate scandal. The information included transcripts of undercover FBI…

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Newly Released FISA Documents of Deep State Spying on George Papadopoulos Curiously Have Seth Rich’s Name Redacted from Transcripts

The Gateway Pundit 

Evidence released this week confirms more FBI and Mueller gang lies and cover ups. Attorney Ty Clevenger has tried for the past three years to obtain documents related to Seth Rich from the Deep State but has received nothing.  Now another document has been released that refers to Seth Rich but this was never provided…

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China Media Now Claims Coronavirus Originated from American Athletes Who Visited Wuhan in October 2019!

The Gateway Pundit 

China media now claims that the coronavirus was started by American athletes who visited Wuhan in October 2019. The Guardian is reporting that foreigners in China are being shunned since the outbreak of the coronavirus: Over the past few weeks, as Chinese health officials reported new “imported” coronavirus cases almost every day, foreigners living in…

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EXCLUSIVE: After Coronavirus Spread in Hubei Province Chinese Officials Applied for Remdesivir Patent – They Knew Then It Would Treat Coronavirus – We Now Have Their Application

The Gateway Pundit 

The deadly China coronavirus that started in China sometime in late 2019 has now circled the globe. Evidence suggests that the coronavirus was not from a wet market but came from a lab in Wuhan. We still don’t know whether the deadly virus was leaked intentionally or if it was an accident. But we do…

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Bernie Sanders Gets Dragged By Supporters For Sending Fundraising Email For The DNC

The Gateway Pundit 

Bernie Sanders has spent the last several years talking about a revolution to topple the establishment. Now he is sending fundraising emails on behalf of the establishment. How can anyone blame his supporters for being annoyed? The Hill reports: Sanders sends fundraising email for DNC Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) send out a fundraising solicitation Friday…

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Sick! Tammy Duckworth Falsely Accuses President Trump of Killing Americans in Coronavirus Crisis by Withholding Ventilators

The Gateway Pundit 

Sen. Tammy Duckworth (D-IL) falsely accused President Trump Friday of killing Americans hit by the COVID-19 Chinese coronavirus by not sending ventilators. No American has gone without a ventilator who needed one let alone died for a lack of one, even though at times there has been panic about potential shortages that did not pan…

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WOW! Lead NIH Vaccine Scientist Kizzy Corbett Is a Crackpot Who Calls COVID-19 “Genocide” on Blacks, Expert in Virology and “Vagina-ology”

The Gateway Pundit 

Kizzmekia Corbett works for the National Institute of Health (NIH) who is described as the Black scientist leading the National Institutes of Health’s (NIH) development of a COVID-19 coronavirus vaccine. She’s 34-years-old and getting several spots on CNN and other far left outlets. She’s also an anti-white race hustler and describes herself as virology, vaccinology…

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“Nancy Pelosi’s Away on Vacation… She’s Not Doing Her Job… Nothing Unusual About That” – President Trump Rips Pelosi for Not Passing Extension to Help Small Business (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Democrat Speaker Nancy Pelosi is at home in her San Francisco mansion during the California lockdown doing appearances on late night television while American workers and business owners go broke. As of Thursday Speaker Pelosi would not approve more funding for small business. Last week, Democrats blocked the $250 billion replenishment of the Paycheck Protection Program prompting…

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“I Took an Oath to Uphold the Constitution” – Racine Sheriff Will Not Enforce Wisconsin’s Authoritarian Stay-at-Home Order

The Gateway Pundit 

Racine Sheriff Christopher Schmaling, screen image Racine County Sheriff Christopher Schmaling announced on Friday his department will not be enforcing Wisconsin’s Draconian stay-at-home order. Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers (D) on Thursday evening extended his stay-at-home order for another month! Wisconsin Republicans threatened lawsuits in response to Evers’ stay-at-home extension. And now a sheriff is refusing…

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Alabama and Texas Announce Plans to Reopen Businesses in Their States, Some Immediately

The Gateway Pundit 

Alabama will start reopening its businesses next week. Governor Kay Ivey made the announcement on Friday. MSN reported: Alabama Lt. Governor Will Ainsworth and the Small Business Emergency Task Force on Friday unveiled a plan to reopen businesses in the state, some immediately. Hear details about the phased reopening of the Alabama economy above or…

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SoCal Beach City Dumps 37 Tons of Sand in Skate Park to Stop ‘Illegal Skateboarding’ After 28 Coronavirus Deaths in Orange County

The Gateway Pundit 

A beach city in Orange County, California decided to teach kids a lesson after 28 confirmed Coronavirus deaths in the entire county of over 3 million people. San Clemente shut down a popular skate park on April 1st due to the state’s authoritarian shelter-in-place order. San Clemente officials sprung into action and filled the park…

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WATCH: Michigan Democrat Lawmaker Credits President Trump And Hydroxychloroquine For Saving Her Life From COVID-19!

The Gateway Pundit 

Democrat lawmaker Karen Whitsett credits hydroxychloroquine and President Trump for saving her life from the coronavirus. Whitsett credited President Trump for speaking out in support of the drug.  She said without him talking about hydroxychloroquine, she would have never known to ask for it. Hydroxychloroquine was quickly banned by Democrat Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer for…

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Спорт в России и мире

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Самсонова обыграла Александрову и вышла в финал турнира WTA в Хертогенбосхе

Ритуал Мазараки: в Россию вернулась утраченная в годы революции семейная реликвия

Мэр Москвы рассказал о строительстве дорог на северо-востоке Москвы

Роспотребнадзор: выявлены производители продукции, вызвавшей вспышку ботулизма

Спасатель Щетинин: если вас затягивает в воду, необходимо пытаться двигаться вдоль берега