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The Gateway Pundit

Новости за 25.04.2020

New York Times Reporter Complaint to YouTube Prompted Takedown of Bio-Tech Firm’s Video on UV Light Treatment for Coronavirus Patients

The Gateway Pundit 

New York Times reporter Davey Alba posted several tweets Friday night about his efforts to get YouTube to take down videos about the COVID-19 Chinese coronavirus regarding President Trump recent comments about experimental treatments for the virus and a company, Aytu BioScience, that is claiming a UV light treatment can kill the coronavirus inside patients’…

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A Chance To Get A Trump 2020 Flag For Free

The Gateway Pundit 

You’ve seen these Trump 2020 flags at lockdown protests and Trump rallies. Now it’s time to get one of your own (for free – just pay shipping and handling): A high-quality Trump 2020 flag is now available for free (ordering through this link and the links below supports Gateway Pundit)! Click here to get your…

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Tens of Thousands Defy Newsom’s Authoritarian Lockdown Order and Flock to SoCal Beaches Amid Heatwave

The Gateway Pundit 

Newsom has lost the consent of the governed. An estimated 40,000 people flocked to beaches in Orange County, California amid a nasty heatwave. Temperatures in Southern California soared on Friday sending thousands of people to the beach for relief. Tens of thousands flocked to Orange County beaches today as this heat wave settles over SoCal.…

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Protest Caravan Takes Over Las Vegas Strip Demanding Governor Sisolak Reopen Nevada (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Photo via KSNV A protest caravan took over the Las Vegas strip on Friday calling on Democrat Governor Sisolak to reopen Nevada. The protest dubbed ‘America’s First Interactive Drive-thru Caravan’ was organized by conservative radio host and friend of The Gateway Pundit, Wayne Allyn Root. Wayne Root said police told him they estimated 8,000 people…

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MUST SEE VIDEO: California Doctors of Immunology Say Only Sick and Elderly Should be Quarantined, Businesses Should Open, and State is Pressuring Drs. to Add COVID-19 Numbers

The Gateway Pundit 

Two California doctors of immunology and owners of  a Bakersfield Urgent Care facility say only the sick and immuno-compromised individuals must be quarantined, not healthy people. Via KIRO News 23 –Doctors Dan Erickson and Artin Massihi said their facilities have tested over 5,200 patients for the coronavirus throughout the county, making up for over half…

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THE LIST: Dr. Fauci’s 12 Deadly Mistakes and Contradictions — Including His Worst Mistake of Delaying Herd Immunity While Destroying US Economy

The Gateway Pundit 

Dr. Anthony Fauci has been wrong on the coronavirus pandemic — Every step of the way! Here is a list of several errors, contradictory statements and dangerous gaffes by NIAID Director Dr. Tony Fauci: 1.)  Dr. Fauci says he warned Trump in January that the US was in real trouble but that is not what…

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HUNDREDS Protest Against Stay-At-Home Rules in Southern California on Friday

The Gateway Pundit 

Liberals have been pushing draconian measures ever since the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 began sweeping across the U.S. Backed by the mainstream media, liberals pushed for states to shut down all businesses deemed “non-essential,” and even backed orders for all Americans to hunker down in their homes for months, if need be. But that mood is changing…

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CNN’s Chris Cuomo ‘Like A Boiling Pot’ In Easter Clash Over Breaking Quarantine, Bicyclist Says

The Gateway Pundit 

CNN’s Chris Cuomo might have an anger issue. The TV host was like a “boiling pot” when he was confronted for not quarantining himself after telling viewers that he had contracted the coronavirus, a Long Island, N.Y., bicyclist told Fox News on Friday night. “It was Easter Sunday evening, it was chilly and cold,” David…

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PA Governor Tells Newly Unemployed and Starving Pennsylvanians to ‘Read a Book’

The Gateway Pundit 

Tens of thousands of Pennsylvania residents and business owners had their lives ruined in the past month by government enforced lockdowns. And that number will continue to grow as long as government officials continue to enforce their dangerous agenda. On Monday freedom protesters rallied against the Pennsylvania Governor Wolf’s draconian shutdown orders in Harrisburg. The…

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U.S. Panic Shutdown Could Wipe Out 40% Of The Economy, Unemployment Will Hit 27 Million: CBO

The Gateway Pundit 

The U.S. economy will plunge by 40% this financial quarter and the unemployment rate will soar to 14%, the Congressional Budget Office said Friday. The unemployment rate will eventually rise to 27% — a number not seen since the Great Depression — and the recession caused by shutting down the economy during the coronavirus panic…

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LIVE VIDEO: Steve Bannon and John Fredericks host “Descent into Hell: The Chinese People Confront the CCP” — Sat. 10 AM to Noon ET

The Gateway Pundit 

Former White House Chief Strategist and War Room: Pandemic host Stephen K. Bannon is hosting a two-hour long special program entitled “Descent into Hell: The Chinese People Confront the CCP this Saturday, April 25, from 10:00 am – 12:00 noon ET. The groundbreaking special will air live on the John Fredericks Radio Network, America’s Voice Network, Dish TV Channel 219,…

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EXCLUSIVE: DOJ Stands Behind FBI Director Wray BUT SAYS NOTHING about FBI Attorney Dana Boente

The Gateway Pundit 

FBI Director Chris Wray was accused yesterday of withholding evidence in the General Michael Flynn case.  FBI Attorney Dana Boente was also accused.  The FBI released information last night that the Director did not withhold evidence.  The FBI said nothing about Boente’s actions. On Friday Brady documents were finally released by the DOJ in General…

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EXCLUSIVE: Was Obama’s Former AG Eric Holder Directing Attorneys at His Law Firm to Obtain Dirt on President Trump and Withhold Info from Their Client General Flynn?

The Gateway Pundit 

President Obama’s first Attorney General, Eric Holder, left a corrupt life in public office and returned to the law firm Covington.  While at Covington, lawyers from his firm represented General Mike Flynn and requested dirt on President Trump while withholding important information from General Flynn.  It needs to be asked.  Was Eric Holder involved? After…

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Miss Canada, Anastasia Lin, Shares Her Concerns on Communist China, In Front of the Oxford Union

The Gateway Pundit 

Anastasia Lin is a Chinese-Canadian actress and beauty pageant winner.  She is also an outspoken critic of the Communist Chinese regime. Ms. Lin received world acclaim, not for winning Miss Canada in 2015, but for not being allowed into China for the world pageant.  The New York Times reported: Clasping hands with youngsters in red…

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Larry C. Johnson: The Dawn of Justice for General Michael Flynn?

The Gateway Pundit 

Guest post by Larry C. Johnson Based on conversations with friends and reading comments on conservative websites, there is a lot of frustration and doubt with respect to Attorney General William Barr and whether he will drop the hammer on the Deep Staters, such as Brennan, Clapper and Comey, for their respective roles in fomenting…

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Harvard Law Professor Wants To Ban Homeschooling For Being ‘Dangerous’ To Children And Society

The Gateway Pundit 

During the Coronavirus crisis, many people who have never even considered homeschooling have been thrust into the practice. Schools are closed, and parents have no option but to turn their kitchen tables into makeshift classrooms. This has some opponents of homeschooling worried that many parents will decide they like the practice. One Harvard Law School…

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Новости России

Росгвардия обеспечила правопорядок на футбольном матче «ЦСКА» - «Краснодар» в Москве

YouTube Takes Down Bio-Tech Firm’s Video Explaining Potential UV Light Treatment for Coronavirus Patients

The Gateway Pundit 

YouTube took down a video Friday posted by the bio-tech firm Aytu BioSience explaining a new UV light treatment for coronavirus patients. Aytu BioScience announced Tuesday the firm is working with Cedars-Sinai and the FDA to determine the efficacy of the treatment. The video is now labeled, “This video has been removed for violating YouTube’s…

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General Mike Flynn Breaks His Silence After Government Releases Brady Documents Showing He Committed No Crimes

The Gateway Pundit 

General Mike Flynn General Mike Flynn Friday night broke his silence after the government finally released Brady documents showing he committed no crimes. Attorney Sidney Powell has been fighting to get her hands on the Brady Material since she took over the case. The documents are filed under seal, but attorney Sidney Powell said it…

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Socialist Regime in Venezuela Closes All Entrances to Caracas in “Plan Damasco”

The Gateway Pundit 

According to El National several containers were placed on the Caracas-La Guaira highway by the Maduro regime to isolate the city.   Also, Ibéyise Pacheco says that this new move by the dictator sets in motion the “Damasco Plan”. Ellos piensan que Caracas resiste en confinamiento más de una semana. Ante las protestas eventuales podrían cortar los…

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The Experts Were ALL WRONG: Six New Studies Show COVID-19 Infected Millions More than Predicted Across US from NYC to LA to Miami to Boston to Chicago!

The Gateway Pundit 

At least six US studies show the coronavirus is more widespread than expected and that millions and millions of Americans have been infected by the Wuhan virus already without knowing they had the virus. Two new studies were released earlier this week that show millions of Americans were infected with the coronavirus between March and…

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HOPE SO: Stephen Miller Says Temporary Immigration Ban Part of Larger Plan in Leaked Off-Record Call

The Gateway Pundit 

Senior White House adviser Stephen Miller reportedly told supporters during an off-record phone call that the temporary immigration ban is part of a larger plan to crackdown in the long-term. Audio of the phone call was leaked to the Washington Post, who have constantly attempted to vilify Miller for his hawkish stances on immigration. “The…

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Wolf Administration is Caught Adding Up to 269 Fake Coronavirus Deaths to State Totals the Day After Anti-Lockdown Protests in Pennsylvania

The Gateway Pundit 

Protesters rally against the Pennsylvania Governor Wolf’s draconian shutdown orders this week in Harrisburg. Joe Scott photo The Wolf administration was caught this week adding up to 269 fake deaths to the state totals on Tuesday. Unfortunately for the Democrat governor he got caught. And it just happened to take place the day after hundreds…

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Спорт в России и мире

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Озвучены позиции казахстанских теннисистов в мировом рейтинге ATP

Огонь охватил 400 "квадратов" крыши административного здания в Москве

Забег ко Дню города проведут в Подольске 5 октября

«Это как любимый сериал»: дуэт «5Утра» выпустил продолжение нашумевшего хита

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