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The Gateway Pundit

Новости за 20.04.2020

Dem Rep. AOC Deletes Tweet Calling For a Communist Revolution, Celebrating Destruction of US Economy

The Gateway Pundit 

Communist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (NY) on Monday in a tweet celebrated the oil crash, which can lead to massive loss of jobs. A futures contract for US crude dropped over 100% on Monday as demand for oil dropped amid the Coronavirus pandemic. The Democrat-media complex is using the Coronavirus as a vehicle to usher in…

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Photo Surfaces of Tyrant Governor Grethen Whitmer Mocking Trump in Hat That Celebrates Abortions

The Gateway Pundit 

This is the type of person Democrats want on their ticket with Joe Biden. Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer is famous for blocking seed sales, tiling, carpet, flooring, gardening supplies and motorboat rides for no reason. She also is an unapologetic leftist and Planned Parenthood devotee. A photo so Whitmer in a pink hat mocking President…

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NEW: Nadler, Schiff Demand Investigation of AG Bill Barr’s Comments on Firing of ICIG Michael Atkinson

The Gateway Pundit 

AG Bill Barr House Intel Chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA) and House Judiciary Chairman Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) have nothing better to do right now so they are demanding the DOJ’s IG investigate Attorney General Bill Barr’s comments on the firing of ICIG Michael Atkinson. Recall, Barr said during an interview with Fox News host Laura Ingraham…

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Omar Introduces Bill to Cancel Rent, Mortgage Payments During Coronavirus Crisis

The Gateway Pundit 

Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) has introduced legislation to cancel rent and mortgage payments for millions of Americans as the coronavirus crisis continues to hamper the U.S. economy. Under the bill, rent and mortgage payments could be canceled for “all Americans regardless of income or employment status,” Fox News reports. The bill would also set up…

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STUNNING! Pelosi Bragged on MSNBC on How Democrats Killed Crucial Funding to Small Businesses During Coronavirus Crisis (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

PURE EVIL. On Thursday the PPP Loan program ran out of money. Already $349 billion was handed out to struggling businesses. 80% of restaurants say they may never reopen and are struggling to pay their bills. Four out of five restaurants fear they may never reopen! At least 20,000 business applications went unprocessed on Thursday…

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EPIC! Pro-Choice Rev. Al Sharpton Makes Typo For the Ages in Statement Slamming President Trump Over Obama-Biden Video

The Gateway Pundit 

Rev. Al Sharpton unloaded on President Trump Monday over a reelection campaign video meme mocking presumed Democrat presidential nominee former Vice President Joe Biden and former President Barack Obama. The video is a takeoff of a TV commercial that shows a small group of middle-aged black men watching TV, with Obama and video of Biden…

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Government Sanctioned Suicide: Study Finds Coming Economic Crisis Could Lead to 831,600 Suicides – Or 13 Times the Number of Coronavirus Deaths

The Gateway Pundit 

As reported earlier Goldman Sachs updated its economic forecast earlier this week and we are looking at a man-made catastrophe! The economic crash we are looking at is Biblical in proportions! The US unemployment rate will rise to 15% from 3% due to the current economic shutdown in place across the country. A study by…

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Kellyanne Conway Slams Governor Who Has ‘Physically Distanced From Common Sense,’ Says in Michigan ‘You Can Smoke Your Grass, But Not Cut Your Grass’

The Gateway Pundit 

White House counselor Kellyanne Conway took some serious swipes at Democrat Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer during an interview on Monday. She added that people protesting the lockdowns should make sure they are practicing social distancing by wearing masks and staying six feet apart. LISTEN: @KellyannePolls comments on expectations of reopening the economy amid nationwide protests…

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The Government Filled a SoCal Skate Park with Sand, So the Skaters Turned it Into a Dirt Bike Track (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

A beach city in Orange County, California decided to teach kids a lesson after 28 confirmed Coronavirus deaths in the entire county of over 3 million people. San Clemente shut down a popular skate park on April 1st due to the state’s authoritarian shelter-in-place order. A few days ago San Clemente officials sprung into action…

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Bonkers Michigan Governor Claims Abortions Are Essential Because They Are ‘Life-Sustaining’

The Gateway Pundit 

Democrat Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer has claimed that abortions are considered essential and must continue during the pandemic lockdown because they are “life-sustaining.” The state has some of the harshest lock down orders in the nation and all elective surgeries, like knee and hip replacements, have been halted. Abortions, however, have not. “We stopped elective…

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Dr. Fauci Condemns Protests – Claims Freedom Protesters Are “Hurting” the Economy — But Not the Lockdowns? #FireFauci

The Gateway Pundit 

How does this error prone maniac still have a job? Dr. Anthony Fauci has been wrong on the coronavirus pandemic — Every step of the way! Here is a list of several contradictory statements and dangerous gaffes by the NIAID Director. 1.)  Dr. Fauci says he warned Trump in January that the US was in…

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NEVER FORGET: These 30 Democrat Lawmakers in Trump Districts Remain Silent As Pelosi Sits at Home and Stalls Crisis Relief to US Small Businesses

The Gateway Pundit 

Democrat lawmakers are SILENT as Pelosi REFUSES to pass funding for small businesses in crisis! Speaker Nancy Pelosi is not even meeting to discuss funding small business UNTIL WEDNESDAY! The program to save small businesses rant out of money last Thursday morning! AND DEMOCRATS ARE SILENT! Here again is the list of the 30 Democrats…

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Facebook Working With State Governments to Take Down Coronavirus Lockdown Protest Announcements

The Gateway Pundit 

Facebook says it is working with state governments to take down organizing announcements for protests of the COVID-19 Chinese coronavirus lockdowns. The protests have been spreading around the nation by Americans concerned the cure is worse than the disease and is killing the country and that the orders by governments go far beyond what is…

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FIVE FREEDOM PROTESTS Against State Government Lockdowns Held on Sunday in Tennessee, Washington, Colorado, Illinois and Florida …More Planned!

The Gateway Pundit 

There were several more Freedom protests in five more states on Sunday. Save America protests are planned across the country in the coming days. On Sunday protests were held in Olympia, Washington, Tennessee, Springfield, Illinois; Denver Colorado and Florida. Springfield, Illinois Coronavirus Illinois: Springfield protest calls for state to reopen economy amid COVID-19 pandemic: https://t.co/ds8N5nzhrC…

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Pelosi Continues to Take a Paycheck As She Denies Funding to US Small Businesses During Crisis — WILL NOT MEET UNTIL WEDNESDAY!

The Gateway Pundit 

What a horrible, rotten person. Nancy Pelosi continues do deny more assistance to small business owners. On Thursday the PPP Loan program ran out of money. Already $349 billion was handed out to struggling businesses. 80% of restaurants say they may never reopen and are struggling to pay their bills. Four out of five restaurants…

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Democrat Rep. Adam Schiff’s FISA Abuse Report Now Totally Debunked – Will He Suffer Any Consequences Other Than Being Known as the Biggest Liar in Congress?

The Gateway Pundit 

Democrat Rep. Adam Schiff earns the unenviable honor of being known as the biggest liar in the US Congress.  The more information is revealed from trusted sources, the more Schiff is seen as a liar and hack.  In 2018 Schiff published his rebuttal document to the Devin Nunes memo. The far left writers at VOX…

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FLASHBACK: Obama’s Ex-Spy Chief Mike Morell Was One of the First to Claim Candidate Trump Was “An Unwitting Agent of the [Russia] Federation” – Was He Incompetent or In On It?

The Gateway Pundit 

Obama’s ex CIA Chief, Mike Morell, was connected to the Trump – Russia collusion lie as early as August 2016.  In late 2017, Morell still claimed the Trump-Russia fantasy was real.  In August 2016, Obama’s former CIA Chief Mike Morell was on the Charlie Rose show.  During his interview Morell challenged candidate Trump to stand…

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Новости России

Московский аэропорт Домодедово и Всероссийское общество инвалидов заключили соглашение о сотрудничестве

St. Louis County Releases ‘Snitch Files” – Local Citizens Who Called County Government to Snitch on Business Owners

The Gateway Pundit 

By Assistant Editor Responsible parents teach their children “don’t be a snitch.” We do this so that our children aren’t hated, because everyone knows that everyone hates a snitch. But the Coronavirus fear mongers are turning otherwise responsible and likable people into sniveling snitches that nobody likes. And we can prove it. Talk radio great…

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“The Top of the FBI Was Scum – You’ll Find Out What I’m Going to Do” – President Trump Goes Off on Corrupt Deep State ‘Scum’ at Presser (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

President Trump went off on the scum at the top of the FBI who attempted to take down a duly elected president. President Trump defended General Flynn and Roger Stone today the daily coronavirus press conference calling out the former FBI leaders “scum” for trying to take him out. Trump was right to call this…

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Research Projects Reveal Coronavirus Has Lethality Rate in Same Ballpark as Seasonal Influenza (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Stanford University researcher Dr. John Ioannidis presented his findings from a recent coronavirus study in Santa Clara, California. The research project looked at 3,300 people in Santa Clara County in California. The Stanford study revealed that 2.5% to 4.2% of people tested for COVID-19 were positive for antibodies. The data indicates that there are between…

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“I’m Not a Fan of Mitt Romney, I Don’t Really Want His Advice” – Trump Roasts Back-Stabber Mitt Romney (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

TRUMP ROASTS BACKSTABBER MITT ROMNEY– Romney was the only Republican to vote for impeaching President Trump. Romney is also the FIRST politician in history to vote against his party during impeachment trial. Mitt Romney is a horrible disgrace. On Sunday President Trump did not hesitate to blast the carpet-bagger from Utah. Reporter: On Thursday the…

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Demon Spawn Pelosi Now Says She Won’t Sign Small Business Loan Extension Until She “Fixes the Flaws” — There ARE NO FLAWS! It Only Needs More Cash!

The Gateway Pundit 

What a horrible, abusive person. And Nancy Pelosi refused to approve more assistance to these business owners. On Thursday the PPP Loan program ran out of money. Already $349 billion was handed out to struggling businesses. 80% of restaurants may never reopen and are struggling to pay their bills. At least 20,000 business applications went…

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