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The Gateway Pundit

Новости за 21.04.2020

Does Google Have Hillary Clinton’s BleachBit Emails? Judicial Watch Subpoenas Google For Hillary’s State Department Emails!

The Gateway Pundit 

Graphic via Judicial Watch Does Google have Hillary Clinton’s BleachBit emails? Conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch subpoenaed Google for Hillary Clinton’s ‘missing’ State Department emails. Recall, it was Judicial Watch that blew the story wide open about Hillary Clinton’s use of a private server while she was the head of the Department of State. Paul…

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Crooked Richard Burr Says He Stands by His Junk Report that Russia Interfered to Help Trump in 2016 Despite Recent Findings that Show the Opposite Took Place

The Gateway Pundit 

This guy is as dumb as he is crooked. Sen. Richard Burr (R-NC) released another report on Tuesday with his buddy Mark Warner (D-VA) saying they stand with their junk reports that Vladimir Putin interfered in the 2016 election to help Donald Trump. Richard Burr was recently accused of insider trading for dumping his hotel…

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For Gun Owners: What To Do After An Incident

The Gateway Pundit 

If you’re a gun owner, what would you do after a gun incident? Unfortunately, the justice system can be biased against gun owners. As TGP reported, that’s what happened to one employee protecting his business:   “Imagine this: It’s 4:30 AM. You are inside a Smoke Shop and all of a sudden three burglars with masks…

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Acting DNI Richard Grenell Tells Adam Schiff to Pound Sand in Response to His Demand For Oversight of Personnel Changes

The Gateway Pundit 

President Trump recently appointed Richard Grenell as Acting Director of National Intelligence and he’s doing a fine job of giving House Intel Chairman Adam Schiff hell. Grenell decided to declassify the IG footnotes revealing the FBI was knowingly using Russian disinformation to spy on Trump’s camp, and now this… Adam Schiff on April 7 sent…

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Latest CDC COVID-19 Numbers Make the Doom-and-Gloom Cult Look Like Complete Idiots

The Gateway Pundit 

The CDC recently released coronavirus numbers from February 1, 2020 to April 18, 2020. With each day it is getting harder and harder for these so-called experts to defend their complete destruction of the American economy. Since February there have been 17,229 COVID-19 deaths. Another 7,676 died from COVID-19 and pneumonia. During this same time…

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Wayne Root Vegas Protest – Biggest Las Vegas Strip Caravan EVER

The Gateway Pundit 

“OPEN THE NEVADA ECONOMY, UNLEASH PROSPERITY, SAVE AMERICA”  AMERICA’S FIRST INTERACTIVE DRIVE-THROUGH PROTEST CARAVAN! WHO:      YOUR GRAND MARSHAL & HOST               Wayne Allyn Root, Conservative Talk Show Host                   790 AM KBET – Mon-Fri 3pm-6pm WHAT:     “Patriots Procession” Show Support for Opening the Nevada Economy. Show Support for Vegas Small Business. Show Support for Vegas Strip Employees who want…

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Nurses Protest ‘Lack of Protective Gear’ at White House, Receive Glowing Media Coverage — Unlike Shut Down Protesters

The Gateway Pundit 

The liberal media has been in a tizzy over shutdown protests for weeks, but none seem to be condemning a group of nurses that were protesting outside the White House on Tuesday. At least 20 nurses gathered outside the White House to protest over the protective gear shortage. Happening NOW: NNU union nurses are outside…

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“So It Was a Hoax?” – Fox News’ John Roberts Caught on Hot Mic Discussing COVID-19 Mortality Rate with Technician, ‘Like the Flu’ (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Fox News reporter John Roberts was caught on a hot mic in the White House briefing room discussing the Coronavirus mortality rate. John Roberts walked into the press briefing room and told a technician to take off his mask because according to a recent California study, the mortality rate for the Coronavirus is only 0.1%…

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BREAKING: Missouri Files Lawsuit Against China for Lying to the World and Causing ‘Devastating Loss of Life and Economic Suffering’

The Gateway Pundit 

Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt has announced that he has filed a lawsuit against China for lying to the world and causing “devastating loss of life and economic suffering.” The lawsuit, filed in the Eastern District of Missouri on Tuesday, makes them the first state to do so. “Today I filed suit against the Chinese…

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Pelosi and Democrats Propose BS Changes to Small Business Funding Package — WILL FORCE DELAYS IN FUNDING TO BUSINESSES FOR ANOTHER WEEK!

The Gateway Pundit 

Republicans wanted a $250 billion extension for the highly successful small business crisis package. The initial $350 billion in the program ran out in the first two weeks. THOUSANDS of small businesses applied for the loan and are waiting for Congress to refund the program. But Nancy Pelosi is stalling. She’s struggling at home in…

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COVID-19 ‘Survivor’ Chris Cuomo And CNN Pretend He Just Left His Basement. But He Was Berating A Bicyclist On Easter Sunday.

The Gateway Pundit 

Poor Chris Cuomo. The CNN host was diagnosed with COVID-19 on March 31. The brave talking head locked himself in his basement to protect his family from the virus, which is less deadly than the flu. And — so heroic — he continued to do his daily show, at one point blasting President Trump for…

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HORRIBLE! Liberal Lawmaker Jayapal Worried Democrats Not Getting Enough Socialist Goodies in Package to Fund Small Businesses

The Gateway Pundit 

Democrat lawmakers are grumbling about not getting enough socialist priorities in the new package to fund American small businesses. Socialist Rep. Primila Jayapal (D-WA) went online yesterday in a conference call with fellow socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and spoke out against funding small businesses until Democrats stuff the package with socialist goodies. Republicans just wanted more…

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French Carrier Suffers COVID-19 Outbreak: 1,000 Sailors Infected, 8 Hospitalizations, 0 Deaths — More Evidence So-Called ‘Experts’ Failed

The Gateway Pundit 

Just so you know — these “experts” are making it up as they go along. And these experts are going to destroy the US economy based on total guesses and hysterical predictions. On March 15, 2020 Dr Anthony Fauci told Jon Karl on ABC that the US could expect up to 21 million coronavirus hospitalizations…

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“Adam Schiff – One of the Most Evil and Disgusting Human Beings …Susan Rice – Knows She’s in the Crosshairs” – Former US Attorney Joe diGenova

The Gateway Pundit 

Former US Attorney Joe diGenova was again on the radio on Monday and this time he tore into Democrat Rep. Adam Schiff, Former Director of National Intelligence, Dan Coats, and D.C. Judge Amy Berman Jackson. Joe diGenova had more to say on the Spygate saga on Monday.  Here are some of his comments from the…

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EXCLUSIVE: Bernie Bro Infiltrates Trump Protest with Swastika Sign – Far Left Account Retweets Photo During Michigan Freedom Protest – WaPo Reporter Retweets It – Story Spreads on Internet – Ends Up Just Another Big Liberal Lie

The Gateway Pundit 

A tweet was shared throughout Twitter showing an individual labeled as a Trump supporter with a Nazi sign at a Trump rally. It was another fake news lie slandering Trump supporters. The picture above was reportedly posted as a depiction of Trump supporters last weekend at a Michigan rally protesting Michigan’s Democrat Governor’s insane and…

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Новости России

За прошедшую неделю подмосковные росгвардейцы обеспечили безопасность более 200 мероприятий

EXCLUSIVE: 2018 DOJ Memo to FISA Court Contained at Least 8 Lies which Ensured Mueller Investigation Would Continue

The Gateway Pundit 

A DOJ response to the FISA Court from 2018 was just released.  At least eight lies are identified in the memo used to ensure the Mueller sham would continue. The Senate Judiciary Committee, led by Republican Senator Lindsey Graham, released a number of documents four days ago to the public.  One of the documents released…

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TECH TYRANNY: YouTube CEO Says ANYTHING That Goes Against Corrupt WHO Recommendations Is a Violation of Policy and Will Be Removed (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Wojkicki is part of the problem. YouTube CEO Susan Wojkicki joined CNN’s Brian Stelter this past weekend and said the company removes anything that is against the World Health Organization, the same group that lied for weeks for the Chinese Communists while the coronavirus spread around the globe. This is unreal. Susan Wojkicki: “We talk about…

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Laura Loomer Calls For Congressional Pay Freeze As Nancy Pelosi Refuses to Help Small Businesses and American Workers

The Gateway Pundit 

The campaign of journalist turned congressional candidate Laura Loomer is calling for a “freeze” on Nancy Pelosi’s congressional salary and to put the pay of dopey bartender AOC and Iranian regime sympathizer Ilhan Omar “on ICE”. I have known #LauraLoomer for years and said from day one that if she runs she will win… @TheDemocrats…

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BREAKING: President Trump Suspending Immigration into US

The Gateway Pundit 

President Trump announced on Twitter Monday night he will be signing an executive order temporarily suspending immigration to the United States due to the COVID-19 Chinese coronavirus and the need to protect jobs for Americans. “In light of the attack from the Invisible Enemy, as well as the need to protect the jobs of our…

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