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The Gateway Pundit

Новости за 28.04.2020

‘Why Are They Under Seal?’ Tara Reade Calls For Release Of Biden’s Senate Records

The Gateway Pundit 

She’s not going away. While the mainstream media has barely covered Tara Reade’s allegations that then-Sen. Biden sexually assaulted her when she worked for him as a 29-year-old staffer — and top TV talking heads like CNN’s Anderson Cooper refuse to ask the presumptive presidential nominee about the claims — Reade is upping her game.…

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Pelosi Says Redistributing Wealth By Giving Everyone Free Money ‘Worthy Of Our Attention’

The Gateway Pundit 

Some Democrats call it a “minimum guaranteed income,” others call it a “universal basic income.” By any name, it means taking money paid to the government by hardworking, taxpaying Americans and giving it to … everyone (although mostly to people who don’t pay any taxes at all — about 47% of Americans, Forbes reported last…

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Rhode Island School Teacher Resigns After Viral TGP Report About Her Offering to Pay Someone With Coronavirus to Cough on President Trump

The Gateway Pundit 

The Rhode Island public school teacher who offered to pay someone to cough on President Donald Trump has resigned following the viral Gateway Pundit report on her social media posts. Amy Bednarz was a 6th grade teacher at Villa Nova Middle School in Woonsocket, Rhode Island, whose extremist posts were uncovered by Reason Foundation Director…

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Trump’s Camp Trolls Hillary Clinton with Old Clip of Her Saying ‘All Survivors of Sexual Assault Have a Right to be Heard’ as a Special Message to Tara Reade

The Gateway Pundit 

  This was epic. Trump’s 2020 campaign trolled Hillary Clinton on Tuesday amid reports she was going to endorse Creepy Hands Biden. Hillary Clinton always presents herself as a champion for women’s rights, however her overall abysmal history of intimidating women who were sexually assaulted by her husband Bill proves she’s anything but a women’s…

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Profile in Cowardice: Pelosi Keeps House Out of Session While GOP Led Senate Returns Next Week and President Trump Stays in DC to Lead Coronavirus Fight

The Gateway Pundit 

With millions of Americans risking their health and lives working “essential” jobs, Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) will keep the House of Representatives in recess next week, according to a statement Tuesday by House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-MD) that cited the House physician. The decision comes after House Democrats reportedly expressed fear about returning to…

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Switzerland Allows Grandparents to Hug Their Grandkids After Study Finds Young Children Do Not Transmit Coronvavirus

The Gateway Pundit 

Switzerland removed restrictions for grandparents this week in hugging their young grandchildren after studies found that young grandchildren do not transmit the disease and are at less risk for serious health issues due to the coronavirus. A new study from Australia found that children are unlikely to transmit Covid-19 between each other or to adults.…

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“THIS IS A BIG DEAL.  He’s Actually Investigating the Greatest Crime in American History!” – Former US Attorney Joe diGenova on Durham Investigation

The Gateway Pundit 

Former US Attorney Joe diGenova held another riveting interview on Monday about General Flynn’s case and the Durham investigation.  About the Durham investigation, diGenova said the following at the 5:20 mark in the video below: Remember what [US Attorney John Durham] is doing is, he is deconstructing the Mueller – Weissman inquiry.  This investigation by…

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Hillary Clinton to Endorse Joe Biden Today: Report

The Gateway Pundit 

2016 Democrat presidential nominee Hillary Clinton will endorse the Democrats’ 2020 presumptive nominee Joe Biden on Tuesday, according to a report by CNN. The endorsement comes as former Vice President Biden is facing increased scrutiny over a claim by Tara Reade that he sexually assaulted her in 1993 when she was a staffer in his…

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WTH? Joe Biden Speaks Gibberish When Asked About His Shady Son Hunter’s Chinese Business Dealings (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Joe Biden can barely speak without tripping over his own tongue. It’s getting so bad that his wife Jill is now speaking for him and delivering his 2020 campaign message while he stands there and blinks. On Tuesday Biden began to speak gibberish when asked about his shady son Hunter’s Chinese business dealings. “My son’s…

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“You Going to Apologize, Yahoo?” – President Trump TORCHES Yahoo Hack After Dr. Birx Corrects Reporter’s Garbage Claims on US Testing …Update: Hack Reporter Apologizes

The Gateway Pundit 

President Trump held a press conference from the Oval Office today with Florida Governor Ron DeSantis. During the questioning a Yahoo reporter asked President Trump why the US is lagging behind other countries in testing for the coronavirus. Dr. Birx told the reporter that the US testing is similar to the European countries who are…

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Hypocrite Alyssa Milano Changes Her Tune on Biden Sexual Assault Allegations By Tara Reade After Being Slammed By Rose McGowan

The Gateway Pundit 

One of the loudest cheerleaders for the #MeToo movement, Alyssa Milano, has finally changed her tune on the sexual assault allegations against Joe Biden by Tara Reade. Milano previously called the allegations a “smear campaign.” The D-List actress sat in the Senate Judiciary Committee during the Brett Kavanaugh hearing as a guest of Sen. Dianne…

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Majority of Americans Say They Will Reach Their ‘Breaking Point’ With Stay-at-Home Orders By June

The Gateway Pundit 

A massive 72% of Americans say that they will reach their “breaking point” with stay-at-home orders by mid-June if they continue. The study found that another one fourth of Americans have already reached that point. Pollsters at Kelton Global asked 1,895 U.S. citizens about stay-at-home orders between April 3 and April 6. They found that…

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Outrageous! FOX News Cuts Ties with Diamond and Silk After They Questioned Coronavirus Numbers

The Gateway Pundit 

FOX News cut ties with the popular conservative duo Diamond and Silk recently after their comments on coronavirus. The Daily Beast, who broke the story, says the ladies were promoting “conspiracy theories” on the coronavirus. The two sisters were favorites of Trump supporters and President Trump. They appeared with President Trump at several rallies throughout…

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‘You Are A Creep’: Rose McGowan Rips Joe Biden For Sexual Assault Allegations, Demands He Drop Out

The Gateway Pundit 

Actress Rose McGowan, one of the founders of the #MeToo movement, ripped Joe Biden on Monday, calling him a “creep.” McGowan was miffed by a post on Twitter from the Biden campaign that said the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee will host a townhall Tuesday afternoon on how the pandemic is impacting women. “Let me guess?…

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Commie Mayor Bill de Blasio and Wife Caught Walking in Park 11 Miles From Home After Lecturing Serfdom on Non-Essential Travel

The Gateway Pundit 

Typical Commie. New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio was caught out on a stroll with his wife in a park 11 miles from home after lecturing New Yorkers on non-essential travel. The video is going viral online. WATCH: NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio and wife Chirlane McCrayconfronted by protester in Prospect Park:???????????? "Seriously, you…

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BREAKING: Dr. Fauci and Obama Admin Gave Wuhan Lab $3.7 Million After Its Top Dr. Shi Zhengli Had US Project Shut Down and She Was Sent Back to China

The Gateway Pundit 

Chinese Doctor Shi Zhengli was part of a team that working on a coronavirus project jointly with US doctors in 2014 in the United States before it was shut down by the DHS for being too risky.  After the US research project was shut down, Dr. Shi, often referred to as the “Bat Lady,” continued…

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INSANITY: Hong Kong’s 8 Million Continue Their Economic Shutdown Into the 4th Month – After 4 Coronavirus Deaths in 4 Months

The Gateway Pundit 

Live from Hong Kong Hong Kong has shut down industry and commerce since the Chinese New Year on January 25th in reaction to the China coronavirus.  The country continues its fourth month of commercial inactivity even though the 8 million person community has endured only 4 deaths total to date. As reported in late February:…

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“People Are Dying!… I Believe This Is About Money!” – Nevada Doctors Sue Democrat Governor Over Hydroxychloroquine Ban (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

In March — Nevada’s Governor Steve Sisolak (D) issued an emergency order limiting access to the use of anti-malaria drugs such as hydroxychloroquine for Coronavirus patients. But there’s more… If you read the governor’s order he also prevented senior citizens from using chloroquine as a prophylactic to ward off the disease. Governor Sisolak’s Chief Medical…

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