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The Gateway Pundit

Новости за 10.04.2020

Awful: Reporter Yamiche Alcindor Race-Baits Surgeon General Jerome Adams After Heartfelt Statement About Coronavirus to Black and Latino Communities

The Gateway Pundit 

PBS NewsHour reporter Yamich Alcindor asked a racially charged question of Surgeon General Jerome Adams, MD, at Friday’s White House coronavirus task force briefing, accusing Adams of insulting the black and Latino communities by asking them to avoid drugs and alcohol and by using terms of endearment like, “big mama” in his remarks at the…

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TRUMP: Death Toll Will Be ‘Substantially’ Lower Than The 100,000 Predicted In An Increasingly Flawed Model Used By The White House

The Gateway Pundit 

President Trump on Friday said deaths in the U.S. from SARS-CoV-2 will come in “substantially” below the 100,000 predicted in a model relied upon by the White House — which has proven to have been far off the mark in recent days. One of the coronavirus model the White House has used, from the Institute…

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THE VIRUS IS RACIST? Biden Says Coronavirus Puts Spotlight On ‘Structural Racism’

The Gateway Pundit 

Joe Biden says the coronavirus sweeping the U.S. is exposing inequity and the impact of “structural racism.” The presumptive Democratic presidential nominee said in a Thursday post on Medium that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) should release more information on the income levels of those struck by the virus, along with their…

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MORE FRAUD EXPOSED: Washington State Coronavirus Field Hospital Will Be Dismantled Without Treating a Single Patient

The Gateway Pundit 

US Army soldiers built a massive to field hospital in Seattle’s CenturyLink Field Events Center in late March. The Field hospital was the first of eight expected field hospitals to treat coronavirus victims across Washington State. #breaking TONIGHT on KOMO at 11: New field hospital being built on soccer field in Western Washington to treat…

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‘Can’t Operate Out Of Hysteria’: Dr. Carson Says ’98 Percent’ Of  Coronavirus Infected Will Recover

The Gateway Pundit 

Dr. Ben Carson says there is not enough attention being paid to the “number of people who have recovered” from coronavirus, noting that the number “is going to be about 98 percent of all the people who get it.” Carson, a pediatric neurosurgeon who serves as Secretary of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), also said…

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Video: Police Drag Passenger Off Bus for Not Wearing Coronavirus Mask in Philadelphia

The Gateway Pundit 

Bus passengers in Philadelphia and surrounding areas were ordered effective Thursday to wear masks in order to help slow the spread of the COVID-19 Chinese coronavirus. The order was issued by the city transit authority SEPTA (Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority) with a statement riders could be refused passage by operators and that transit police would…

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“The President Was Correct in Firing Him” – Bill Barr Blasts Fired ICIG Michael Atkinson (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

US Attorney General Bill Barr told Fox News host Laura Ingraham that President Trump was right to fire ICIG Michael Atkinson. President Trump informed Congress by letter last Friday he was removing the inspector general for the intelligence community, Michael Atkinson, effective thirty days from last Friday. Trump said in the letter, “…it is vital…

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Ron Paul Blasts ‘Fraud’ Dr. Fauci, Says Trump ‘Or the People’ Should Fire Him

The Gateway Pundit 

Former Republican Congressman and Libertarian superstar Ron Paul is calling for President Donald Trump to fire “fraud” Dr. Anthony Fauci, the infectious disease specialist leading President Trump’s medical response to the coronavirus. Paul asserted that if Trump doesn’t get rid of Dr. Fauci, “the people have to fire him” “He should be fired, but if…

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TRUMP’S MIRACLE DRUG: French Study of 1,000+ Patients Including Seniors See 98% Success Rate with Hydroxychloroquine-Azithromycin Regimen

The Gateway Pundit 

In late March FOX News host Laura Ingraham reported on the latest study by the French research team led by the renowned epidemiologist Dr. Didier Raoult was able to repeat his findings from a previous study. This time Dr. Raoult administered hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin to 80 patients and observed improvement in EVERY CASE except for…

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Mike Huckabee Files Federal Lawsuit Against County and Law Enforcement For Blocking Use of His Private Beach During Coronavirus Lockdown

The Gateway Pundit 

Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee has filed a lawsuit against Walton County in Florida, and their Sheriff’s Office, for threatening to arrest him and his neighbors if they use their private beaches. Huckabee teamed up with several other residents to file a federal complaint over a county ordinance that closed all beaches, including the ones…

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Crazed Michigan Governor Now Tells Home Depot to Shut Down Unnecessary Flooring, Tiles and Garden Centers

The Gateway Pundit 

In late March Michigan Democrat Governor Gretchen Whitmer limited access of doctors from prescribing the lifesaving drugs hydroxychloroquine and Z-Paks to save senior citizens in the state from coronavirus. Hydroxychloroquine and Z-Paks have are widely used by doctors the world over to treat the coronavirus. Democrat lawmaker Karen Whitsett said she had to beg for…

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New German Study Finds Coronavirus Mortality Rate at 0.37% — Ten Times Less Than Flawed WHO Numbers that Sent Global Community into a Panic

The Gateway Pundit 

A new study released this week in Germany shows the mortality rate of the coronavirus factoring in the asymptomatic cases is much lower than is being reported. The German study found that around 15% of the population in the Gangelt had the coronavirus antibodies and were infected at some point. Using this data the researchers…

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More Media Lies: Shocking Report of Mass Graves for COVID-19 Victims in the Bronx — Downplays the Fact That It Has been in Use for 150 Years!

The Gateway Pundit 

Shocking photos and video were released this week of New York state workers in Hazmat suits burying coffins in a mass grave in New York City. There’s even drone video of the burial. Drone footage shows a mass grave in New York City with dozens of coffins. pic.twitter.com/7j2TQmYp9L — HuffPost (@HuffPost) April 10, 2020 Mass…

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Michigan’s Crazed Governor Gretchen Whitmer Bans “Travel Between Residences”

The Gateway Pundit 

This power-hungry idiot is in the running to be Joe Biden’s vice presidential pick! This puts her inches away from the presidency. In late March Michigan Democrat Governor Gretchen Whitmer limited access of doctors from prescribing the lifesaving drugs hydroxychloroquine and Z-Paks to save senior citizens in the state from coronavirus. Hydroxychloroquine and Z-Paks have…

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FROM THE NUMBERS: Only 150 Americans to Date With No Pre-Existing Conditions Have Died From the Coronavirus or 0.9%

The Gateway Pundit 

NL Very few Americans are dying to date from the coronavirus who had no pre-existing conditions.  Based on the most recent data, this number will shock you. As of this morning, April 10, 2020, there are now 16,697 Americans who have died who had the coronavirus and more than 96,000 world-wide. But this data is…

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EXCLUSIVE: Dr. Shi Zhengli and the Wuhan Institute of Virology Connected to Coronavirus EXPERIMENTED WITH LIVE ANIMALS …And We Have Proof!

The Gateway Pundit 

As we reported yesterday, Chinese Doctor Shi Zhengli was part of a team that working on a coronavirus project jointly with US doctors in 2014 before it was shut down by the DHS for being too risky.  Dr. Shi Zhengli then moved to Wuhan, China.   Today we have proof that the Wuhan Institute of…

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Victor Davis Hanson: An Accurate Coronavirus Mortality Rate Will “Lead to Greater Confidence”and Allow America to Get Back to Work

The Gateway Pundit 

Victor Davis Hanson was on with Laura Ingraham yesterday where he weighed in on the coronavirus panic and loss of freedoms. He also mentioned the flawed models which are being used to take away our freedoms which we first discussed a month ago. Ingraham asked Hanson about how Americans have given up their individual rights…

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Новости России

Московский аэропорт Домодедово и Всероссийское общество инвалидов заключили соглашение о сотрудничестве

THIS IS BIG! AG Bill Barr on John Durham Probe: “We’re Not Dealing with Just Mistakes or Sloppiness There’s Something Far More Troubling Here” (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

After more than three years of watching Deep State criminals and anti-Trump leftists walk free after their numerous attempts to destroy and remove this president, most Trump supporters and honest Americans believe our Justice system has failed. Tonight Attorney General Bill Barr gave us reason to believe justice will prevail after all. During his appearance…

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“He’s a Beltway Guy, Right?” – Top Infectious Disease Dr. RIPS CDC Director After He Tells CNN He Would Not Treat COVID19 with Life-Saving Hydroxychloroquine (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

On Thursday night CDC Director Dr. Robert Redfield joined CNN where he was asked if he would administer life-saving hydroxychloroquine treatment on coronavirus victims. Dr. Redfield downplayed the drug – despite the hundreds of lives saved by the drug! Dr. Robert Redfield: Yeah, I’m not going to recommend it and I’m not going to not…

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IHME Rep Dodges Questions About Low Coronavirus Cases in Japan Despite No “Across the Country Lockdowns” Like the US (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

  Why is President Trump still allowing Birx and Fauci to use the faulty IHME models when predicting how many Americans will die from the Coronavirus? On Thursday, a rep for the Bill Gates-funded IHME dodged questions about the low Coronavirus cases in Japan despite not doing “across the country lockdowns” like the U.S. It…

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CENSORED: Amazon Removes Mike Cernovich’s Hit Documentary ‘Hoaxed’ That Takes Aim at Corporate Media

The Gateway Pundit 

Amazon has removed Mike Cernovich’s hit documentary “Hoaxed: Everything They Told You Is a Lie” from their platform — even for users who had bought the film. The powerful film was a hard hitting and in-depth look at the “fake news” phenomenon and corporate media. When you attempt to purchase the film on Amazon, users…

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“Complete Load of Horse Sh*t” – San Diego Surfer Protests Countywide Beach Closures (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

A San Diego surfer on Thursday protested the countywide beach closures and held up a sign that read, “Commies Can’t Surf.” San Diego county closed down all beaches and threatened to arrest and or fine anyone who violates the Coronavirus social distancing order. As of Thursday the entire county of San Diego with a population…

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We Want Names! President Trump Says “Two Very Smart People” Came into His Office and Urged Him to Lock Down Economy or 2.2 Million Americans Would Die (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Whoever did this needs to be revealed. These “two smart people” are responsible for pushing faulty propaganda on the president that resulted in millions and millions of ruined lives. During her show last night Laura Ingraham aired footage of President Trump admitting “two very smart people” came into his office and urged him to lock…

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