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The Gateway Pundit

Новости за 06.04.2020

EPIC! NBC Station Tweets Out “Striking Moment” Democrat Gov. Ralph Northam Put on His Own Blackface Mask and Urges Others to Follow

The Gateway Pundit 

It was only a matter of time. NBC News 4 posted a tweet on Monday of “Governor Blackface” Ralph Northam putting on his own blackface mask and urging others to do the same! Soooo good! Unfortunately, NBC 4 later deleted this EPIC tweet. The Democrat Party must have complained. Governor Northam shows the people of…

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CBS News Posts Fraudulent Viral Video of Sobbing ICU Nurse Who Quit Her Job Over Poor Working Conditions, Mask Shortage — It Was All a Lie

The Gateway Pundit 

CBS News was caught once again posting a fraudulent video to make it look like President Trump is failing in his response to the Coronavirus pandemic. First CBS was caught using footage from an Italian hospital to describe conditions in New York. Now CBS posted a fraudulent viral video of an ICU nurse crying about…

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Woman Fined $200 For ‘Going For A Drive’ Amid Pandemic

The Gateway Pundit 

It’s getting weird out there. Really weird. A Pennsylvania woman was stopped by police and issued a citation on Sunday after she went for a leisurely drive during the statewide stay-at-home order intended to stem the spread of coronavirus. Anita Shaffer, 19, of York County, said she left her home Sunday evening for a short…

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BREAKING: Boris Johnson Moved to ICU as Coronavirus Condition “Has Worsened”

The Gateway Pundit 

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson was moved to the Intensive Care Unit as his condition battling the COVID-19 Chinese coronavirus “has worsened”, his government announced Monday. Johnson was hospitalized Sunday because of “persistent symptoms”. The 55-year-old Johnson announced on March 27 he had tested positive for the virus. Earlier Monday Johnson had tweeted from St.…

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RIP State’s Rights: Federal Trump-Appointed Judge Shockingly Blocks Major Parts of Oklahoma’s Abortion Ban

The Gateway Pundit 

In a major blow to state’s rights, a federal judge has blocked parts of Oklahoma’s ban on abortions during the coronavirus pandemic. United States District Judge Charles Goodwin, who issued the temporary restraining order against the ban, was actually appointed by President Donald Trump. Judge Goodwin claimed that the ban on abortions would cause “irreparable…

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Trump “Has My Mom’s Blood on His Hands”: NYC Comptroller Stringer Accuses President in Coronavirus Death of His Elderly Mother

The Gateway Pundit 

Speaking on CNN Monday, New York City Comptroller Scott Stringer (D) accused President Trump of having his elderly mother’s blood on his hands as a result her death from the COVID-19 Chinese coronavirus. Stringer’s mother Arlene Stringer-Cuevas died Friday at age 86. She was a New York City Councilwoman for a single term in the…

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Martin Shkreli Requests Three-Month Furlough From Prison to Help Develop Treatments for Covid-19, Identified Eight Drugs As Potential Inhibitors

The Gateway Pundit 

Biotech entrepreneur Martin Shkreli has requested a three-month long furlough from prison to help develop potential treatments for COVID-19. Shkreli is currently serving seven years in a federal penitentiary in Pennsylvania for securities fraud, but has a unique history of experience developing new drugs. “As a successful two-time biopharma entrepreneur, having purchased multiple companies, invented…

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GOOD NEWS! The ‘Experts’ Were Wrong Again – Global Coronavirus Cases Appear to Have Peaked – Down 16% on April 4th and Then 15% on April 5th

The Gateway Pundit 

This is terrific news! Global coronavirus cases peaked on April third and are dropping fast. Via Paul Sperry: BREAKING: Worldwide new COVID-19 cases peaked on April 3 at 101,566, and are falling at a substantial rate — with a drop of 16% on April 4 and another drop of 15% on April 5 to 71,418,…

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Corrupt WHO Director Faces Calls to Resign For ‘Deceiving the World’ — After He Allowed China to Cover Up Truth About Coronavirus

The Gateway Pundit 

US lawmakers are calling for WHO Director Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus to resign for ‘deceiving the world’ by allowing China to cover up the truth about the Coronavirus. A few weeks ago the Director General of the World Health Organization (WHO), Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, told an audience the “world was slow to react to the…

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3 Weeks Ago Newsom Said 25.5 Million People in California Would be Infected with Coronavirus Over 8-Week Period – Actual Number Today? … 15,247

The Gateway Pundit 

Gavin Newsom Three weeks ago Governor Gavin Newsom projected that 56% of California’s population — or 25.5 million people will be infected with the Wuhan Coronavirus over an 8-week period. Since we are nearly at the halfway point of Newsom’s prediction, we thought we would check in. As of Monday morning, California has 15,247 confirmed…

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FCC Cites First Amendment to Reject Demand by Leftist ‘Free Press’ Group to Censor President Trump and Talk Radio Over Coronavirus

The Gateway Pundit 

The Federal Communications Commission on Monday rejected a petition by a far left group that calls itself the “Free Press” demanding an investigation of broadcasters carrying talk radio and airing live President Trump’s daily COVID-19 Chinese coronavirus task force briefings with the goal of censoring Trump and conservative talk radio hosts like Rush Limbaugh. The…

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400,000 People Traveled To US From China Since COVID-19 Outbreak — Including 40,000 After Trump Imposed Travel Ban

The Gateway Pundit 

At least 430,000 people have traveled on direct flights to the United States from China since SARS-CoV-2 emerged in the communist nation — including nearly 40,000 who have arrived since President Trump imposed travel restrictions two months ago. “The bulk of the passengers, who were of multiple nationalities, arrived in January, at airports in Los…

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Democrat Lawmaker Demands Trump Be Prosecuted At International Court For ‘Crimes Against Humanity’

The Gateway Pundit 

A Democrat state lawmaker in Ohio said she is making a referral to the International Criminal Court to prosecute President Trump for “crimes against humanity” over his repeated endorsement of an anti-malarial drug many doctors are using to treat coronavirus. State Rep. Tavia Galonski  made the demand Sunday on Twitter after Trump once again praised…

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Estimated IHME US Coronavirus Deaths Now at 81,766 or the Same Numbers as the 2017 Flu Season

The Gateway Pundit 

Last TUESDAY Coronavirus Task Force Response Coordinator Dr. Deborah Birx pushed the talking point that by completely locking down the US economy and American public, the US government and Coronavirus task force “experts” were able to cut the total coronavirus deaths in the United States from 1 to 2.2 million deaths to 100,000 to 200,000…

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Theory That Coronavirus Emerged In Chinese Lab Picks Up Steam Amid Claims Staff ‘Got Infected After Being Sprayed With Blood’

The Gateway Pundit 

Some British politicians now think  the coronavirus pandemic may have begun after a Chinese laboratory, The Daily Mail reported on Sunday. “Senior sources in the British government say that while ‘the balance of scientific advice’ is still that the deadly virus was first transmitted to humans from a live animal market in Wuhan, a leak…

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OUTRAGEOUS!… Top Experts Used by CDC Move Total US Coronavirus Deaths From 2.2 Million to 200,000 to 81,766 in Only 8 Days!

The Gateway Pundit 

Last TUESDAY Coronavirus Task Force Response Coordinator Dr. Deborah Birx pushed the talking point that by completely locking down the US economy and American public, the US government and Coronavirus task force “experts” were able to cut the total coronavirus deaths in the United States from 1 to 2.2 million deaths to 100,000 to 200,000…

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Three Russians Sue Christopher Steele for Slandering Them in His Steele Dossier Used By the Deep State and Democrats to Spy On and Destroy Candidate and President Trump

The Gateway Pundit 

A month ago former British spy and author of the junk Trump-Russia dossier, Christopher Steele, defended his unconfirmed trash report on candidate Donald Trump and said he would never speak to US Attorney General William Barr or US Attorney John Durham.  Now it looks like Steele may be forced to speak to the courts as…

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HUGE! Official IMHE Model for Coronavirus Used by CDC Just Cut Their Numbers by Half!… They’re Making It Up As the Go Along!

The Gateway Pundit 

** Read our previous post from yesterday here. This is quite stunning. The government models used to predict the extent of the coronavirus pandemic are off by huge margins in the latest coronavirus tracking numbers. The government predictions reported by the IMHE Covid Tracking (https://covidtracking.com/data/ ) for Apr 5th were as follows: – All beds…

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BREAKING: Bizarre Statement From Disgraced and Fired Former ICIG Michael Atkinson Released to ‘Special’ Reporters

The Gateway Pundit 

How bazaare can the corrupt Deep State get? Over the weekend the now fired and disgraced former Intelligence Community Inspector General (ICIG) Michael Atkinson released a statement to only special far-left reporters.  The statement was bazaare in many ways: The statement was apparently sent to a select number or far left reporters which are to…

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Burglaries Up 75% In New York City; Seattle, Houston, San Francisco Deal With Rising Crime Amid Lockdown Orders

The Gateway Pundit 

Burglaries and thefts are going up in major cities, in yet another unintended consequence of the lockdown orders being put in place by various governors and mayors across the country. What did they think was going to happen when they order shop owners to stay away from their own stores and leave the places unattended,…

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Ghoulish: St. Louis Federal Reserve Head Says Americans Should Be Tested for COVID-19 Daily And Forced To Display a Badge on Their Clothing with the Result

The Gateway Pundit 

  In an era when the government is using cell phone data to track our movements, drones to enforce compliance of lockdown orders, thermal imaging to monitor social distancing, pastors are getting arrested for hosting church, and ankle bracelets to ensure people stay quarantined, a Federal Reserve official proposed today yet another surveillance plan; daily…

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Disgusting! ABC Host Asks Pence: Do You Talk To God About The People Who Die Because Of Your Inaction? (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Vice President Pence was recently on ABC’s Nightline to talk about the rapidly shifting conornavirus situation. The show’s host, Byron Pitts, used this opportunity to take some political jabs at Pence by using religion. In a question akin to asking someone how often they beat their wife, Pitts asks “Mr. Vice President I have a…

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