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The Gateway Pundit

Новости за 27.04.2020

DC Mayor Appoints Obama’s Former NatSec Advisor Susan “Benghazi” Rice to “Reopen DC”

The Gateway Pundit 

Susan Rice The Democrat Mayor of Washington, D.C., appointed Obama’s former National Security Advisor Susan Rice to “reopen DC” after issuing an authoritarian lockdown order due to the Coronavirus panic. Mayor Muriel Bowser made the announcement on Monday. “ReOpen DC is about working together as a community to reopen Washington, DC in a way that…

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Fix Is In: Sanders Campaign Blasts New York Democrats for Striking Sanders From Ballot, Canceling Presidential Primary Over Coronavirus–But not Congressional Primary Set for Same Day

The Gateway Pundit 

Earlier Monday, New York Democrats voted to remove Sen. Bernie Sanders (VT) from the June 23 Democrat presidential primary ballot, thereby canceling that state’s presidential primary, because of claimed concerns about the COVID-19 Chinese coronavirus pandemic. Sanders has suspended his campaign and endorsed the presumptive nominee former Vice President Joe Biden, however Sanders wanted to…

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HUGE! Tara Reade’s Former Neighbor Comes Forward to Corroborate Her Sexual Assault Allegation Against Joe Biden – Says Reade Discussed Assault in Mid-1990s

The Gateway Pundit 

Tara Reade, Joe Biden Tara Reade’s former neighbor has come forward corroborating her sexual assault allegation against Joe Biden. Tara Reade accused her former boss then-Senator Joe Biden of sexually assaulting her in 1993. Reade said in 1993, then-Senator Joe Biden pushed her up against the wall and penetrated her with his fingers. Ms. Reade…

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Hypocrite Pelosi Endorses Joe Biden For President, Ignores Tara Reade’s Sexual Assault Allegation Against Him (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

What happened to ‘believe all women?’ Hypocrite Pelosi on Monday endorsed Democrat Joe Biden for president and remained silent on the sexual assault allegation against him. “Today I am proud to endorse Joe Biden for President of the United States because he will be an extraordinary president,” Pelosi said. “He knows how to get the…

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Former Sanders Campaign Staffer Tears into Bernie Sanders and DNC over Sexual Assault Double-Standards (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Former Bernie Sanders Campaign Staffer Tezlyn Figaro joined Varney and Co. to discuss the latest sexual assault accusations against Joe Biden. Figaro also tore into Bernie Sanders for “bending the knee” to the DNC and Biden Campaign. Tezlyn Figaro: Bernie has already bent the knee. He’s already closed the deal, the deal is sealed. When…

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Lockdown Vs. Non-Lockdown ‘Did Not Produce A Statistically Different Number Of Deaths,’ CA Docs Say

The Gateway Pundit 

Two California doctors say locking down all of America “did not produce a statistically different number of deaths” versus not locking down all of America. Dr. Dan Erickson and Dr. Artin Massihi, who own seven Accelerated Urgent Care facilities in Kern County, Calif., have been scouring data of the COVID-19 virus, both nationally and globally,…

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INSANE! Dr. Deborah Birx: Social Distancing to Remain “Throughout Summer”

The Gateway Pundit 

These doctors and their flawed models are going to destroy this country if they are not stopped. White House coronavirus response coordinator Dr. Deborah Birx said on Sunday that the current social distancing laws will remain “throughout summer.” This is pure madness! WATCH: Dr. Birx responds to Vice President Pence saying COVID-19 will be largely…

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Is Jill Biden Running For President? Jill Delivers Joe’s 2020 Campaign Message as He Stands Next to Her Blinking (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Is Jill Biden running for President now? Jill Biden delivered Sleepy Joe’s 2020 campaign message as her husband stood next to her and blinked. 77-year-old Joe can hardly string a sentence together without stumbling so now his wife is talking for him. “This moment reminds us that the presidency is about true leadership — having…

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White House Cancels Monday’s Coronavirus Task Force Briefing

The Gateway Pundit 

The White House updated President Trump’s schedule Monday morning, canceling today’s briefing by the Coronavirus Task Force. The briefings have been in flux since Thursday’s briefing where Trump’s comments on possibly treating COVID-19 Chinese coronavirus patients with disinfectants or light were wildly distorted by the media, including the Drudge Report which had an image of…

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The ‘Experts’ Were Wrong: Since 1995 the UK Has Seen Five Flu Seasons Worse Than Current Coronavirus Outbreak

The Gateway Pundit 

This won’t make any headlines in the liberal mainstream press. Since 1995 the United Kingdom and Wales has had five flu seasons that were worse than the current coronavirus outbreak. And yet there were no screaming headlines and no lockdowns. Draconian lockdowns were not considered necessary back then. And the previous flu outbreaks hit children…

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Useful Idiot Bill Gates Praises China Regime and their ‘Handling’ of Coronavirus — Dumps on US (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates joined CNN’s Fareed Zakaria on Sunday to discuss the devastating coronavirus pandemic in the United States. Gates defended the Chinese Communist government for allegations is mishandled the virus in the early stages of the pandemic and could have done more to prevent the pandemic. Gates said the criricism of China was…

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Why Is FDA Playing Politics with New Warnings on Hydroxychloroquine? Why Would they Put American Lives in Danger?

The Gateway Pundit 

Hydroxychloroquine has been used for decades as a prophylactic treatment against malaria for adults and children. It has been widely accepted as a safe way to prevent the disease for adults and children. Ever since President Trump mentioned the highly successful studies of hydroxychloroquine treatments on coronavirus patients the media has downplayed and miracle drug.…

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Youyou Wang and Her Employer Phoenix Media Are Typical Examples of How China Influences and Participates in the US Media

The Gateway Pundit 

China has a complex group of individuals and companies who work for the China Regime within US borders. Youyou Wang and Phoenix Media are examples of how this works. We reported in early April 2020 how President Trump called out a reporter for Hong Kong-based Phoenix TV, which is a mouthpiece for the Chinese Communist…

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Новости России

Топ-5 самых ярких зарубежных архитектурных проектов на первичном рынке Москвы

“It’s a Horror Movie… Patients Left to Rot and Die” – Nurse Practitioner Posts Alarming Video on Abuse and Malpractice of Elderly NYC COVID Victims

The Gateway Pundit 

A very disturbing video was posted by a nurse practitioner Sara P. that is making the rounds today. The woman discusses the nightmare situation at New York City hospitals battling the coronavirus. The woman says her friend is a nurse at one of the hospitals in New York City. The conditions sound like a horror…

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TRAGIC: 85% of Living Donor Transplants Are Not Taking Place Today Due to Fauci’s Lockdown Rules (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Former Chief of Neuroradiology at Stanford University Medical Center Dr. Scott Atlas appeared on FOX News’ The Next Revolution with Steve Hilton on Sunday night to discuss his popular column on the coronavirus titled, ‘Science says: It’s time to start easing the lockdowns’ in the New York Post. Dr. Atlas argued that multiple recent studies…

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Family Forced To Relive Horror As Far Left Lawyers Group Wants Green River Killer Released

The Gateway Pundit 

As far left governors across the country advocate for the release of prison inmates due to the Covid “pandemic,” one particularly egregious case has gone up before the Washington state parole board: The possible release of Gary Ridgway, better known as the Green River killer, who killed between 48 and 71 women during the 1980’s…

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“Experts Say Tattling Has Benefits” – Liberal CDC News Cheers Snitching on Your Neighbors for Breaking Quarantine

The Gateway Pundit 

The Canadian Broadcasting Chanel published an article on Sunday cheering neighborhood snitching. They are openly cheering snitching on your neighbors for breaking social distancing policies. Joseph Stalin would support this. The CBC says its a “pleasure” to squeal on your neighbors. Wow! CNN is kicking themselves they didn’t come up with this headline. The tweet…

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